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Spring Festival Greetings to Foreign Friends Working in Jiangsu

January 24, 2022

Dear foreign friends,

As the Spring Festival of the Chinese Tiger year is coming, we hereby extend our sincere greetings and best wishes to you and your family.

The year 2021 is the first year in which Jiangsu started its new journey to socialist modernization,as well as the 100 anniversary of the Communist Party of China. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, and the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, Jiangsu has won victories in epidemic control and social and economic development. In 2021, R&D investment in Jiangsu constituted 2.95% of the regional GDP. The high tech industry output constituted 47.5% of the total output of industries above designated size. The number of invention patent grants per 10,000 population reached 41.2. The regional innovation capacity of Jiangsu continued to remain in the lead in China. All these showed a good start for Jiangsu’s 14th Five-Year Plan period and its modernization development. In the past year, to facilitate the returning of foreign experts to their work in Jiangsu, we launched the online examination and approval of foreigner work permits and other epidemic control measures and kept improving our level of opening up and attraction to the outside world. By the end of 2021, the number of foreigners holding valid work permits and working in Jiangsu exceeded 24,000, accounting for about 11.3% of the total in China. All these achievements would not be possible without your participation and support.

The year 2022 will witness the 20th National Congress of the CPC.  We will try our best to fulfill the important mission of setting an example in reform, innovation and high-quality development and in building a new development paradigm, and of taking the lead in achieving socialist modernization. We will stick close to the overall goal of building Jiangsu’s strength in science and technology. We will continue to recruit the best minds across the lands and implement more proactive, more open and more effective policies of talent recruitment. More measures will be taken to provide convenience for foreign experts working in Jiangsu. It’s our goal to make Jiangsu a promising place where foreign talents gather together, start careers, live happy lives, and realize their life value. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope you will continue to support and care about Jiangsu’s innovative development and make more foreign friends know and visit Jiangsu. Let’s jointly build a new Jiangsu with prosperity, sustainability and civility.

Best wishes,

Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology

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