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   2022-01-07 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据油气新闻网1月6日报道,中东地区最大的私营天然气公司达纳天然气公司(Dana Gas)表示,2021年其从KRI和

据油气新闻网1月6日报道,中东地区最大的私营天然气公司达纳天然气公司(Dana Gas)表示,2021年其从KRI和埃及获得的收入同比增长了107%,从2020年的1.82亿美元(6.67亿阿联酋迪拉姆)增至2021年的3.77亿美元(13.8亿阿联酋迪拉姆)。


拥有Pearl Petroleum 35%股权的达纳天然气,2021年在KRI的凝析油、液化石油气和天然气销售收入中的份额增加了80%,达到1.84 亿美元(6.74 亿迪拉姆),而2020年为1.02亿美元(3.74 亿迪拉姆)。这一增长是在 2019 年和 2020 年全额偿还过去未偿还的应收账款之后发生的。

与此同时,在埃及,达纳天然气2021年的收入为1.93亿美元(7.07 亿迪拉姆),而2020年为8000万美元(2.93 亿迪拉姆),同比增长 141%。埃及政府的付款使该公司从北非国家的应收账款减少到2000万美元以下(7300万迪拉姆),这是自2007年达纳天然气公司在该国开始运营以来的最低水平。


Dana Gas首席执行官Patrick Allman-Ward博士表示,我们对2021年收入的强劲势头感到非常高兴,因为油价上涨增强了该收入。埃及的应收账款减少至2007年以来的最低水平,以及在KRI中支付过去未偿还的应收账款进一步加强了公司的资产负债表,使我们能够额外支付去年12月9日股东大会批准的每股3.5fils的中期股息 。在油气价格上涨和宏观经济环境改善的支持下,这一创纪录的收入水平也使我们有信心在KRI和埃及推行我们的投资计划。较高的能源价格对公司销售的产品的实际价格以及盈利能力产生积极影响。从2022年开始,我们将继续专注于盈利增长业务,同时实现股东价值最大化。

郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Dana Gas' 2021 collections surge 107% to $377m

Dana Gas, the Middle East's largest regional private sector natural gas company, said that its collections from the KRI and Egypt rose 107% year-on-year in 2021 to $377 million (AED1.38 billion) from $182 million (AED667 million) in 2020.

The collections were driven by a strong rebound in oil prices, an accelerated pace of payments from Egypt and the settlement of past outstanding KRI receivables.

Dana Gas, which owns a 35% interest in Pearl Petroleum, saw its share of collections from sales of condensate, LPG and gas in the KRI rise 80% to $184 million (AED674 million)in 2021 versus $102 million (AED374 million) in 2020. This increase follows the full repayment of past outstanding receivables from 2019 and 2020.

Meanwhile in Egypt, Dana Gas collected $193million (AED707 million) during 2021, compared to $80 million (AED293 million) in 2020, a 141% year-on-year jump. The payments from the government of Egypt have reduced the Company’s receivables from the North African state to under $20 million (AED73 million), the lowest level since Dana Gas commenced operations in the country in 2007.

The total collections from Egypt in 2021 include a $48 million (AED176 million) payment made by the Egyptian government in December.

Dr Patrick Allman-Ward, CEO of Dana Gas, said: “We are extremely pleased by the strength of our collections in 2021, which have been enhanced by the rise in oil prices. The decrease of receivables in Egypt to the lowest level since 2007 and the payment of past outstanding receivables in the KRI further strengthened the Company’s balance sheet that allowed us to make an additional interim dividend payment of3.5fils per share that was approved at the General Meeting on the 9 December.

“This record levels of collections has also provided us with the confidence to pursue our investment plans in both the KRI and Egypt supported by higher hydrocarbon prices and an improving macro-economic environment. Higher energy prices have a positive impact on the realized prices of the products sold by the Company and hence its profitability. As we start 2022, we will remain focused on profitably growing our business whilst maximising shareholder value.” 

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