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   2022-01-06 互联网综合消息


尽管油价有所改善,但2022年常规油气勘探作业将遵循在2021年确定的遵守纪律的路径, 总支出将达到200亿-250亿美元,钻初探井将由石油巨头和规模更大的国家石油公司(NOCs)主导。

伍德麦肯兹表示,该公司预计这些石油巨头和NOCs将从新发现的150亿 - 200亿桶油当量中发现四分之三。 这种规模的成功在每桶50美元油价时将带来两位数的整周期回报。



全球油气勘探公司将再次淡化油气勘探活动,钻井和许可证出售继续保持低调。伍德麦肯兹表示:“只有极少数具有高影响力的井才会被称为‘前沿井’。” 伍德麦肯兹指出,“新发现和绿地开发在降低投资组合排放强度方面所带来的好处将受到关注。” 

包括美国埃克森美孚公司和法国道达尔能源公司在内的石油巨头一直在对那些承诺以较低盈亏平衡提供更轻原油的资产加倍下注。 自2015年以来,埃克森美孚公司在圭亚那近海斯塔布鲁克区块与合作伙伴赫斯公司合作,迄今已发现100多亿桶油当量的油气储量。合资公司已开始丽莎油田第一阶段开发项目的石油生产,第二阶段开发项目计划于2022年初投产,帕亚拉油田的第三阶段开发项目目标在2024年投产。



李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Giant prospects in Guyana will be at forefront of 2022 exploration

U.K. based consultancy group Wood Mackenzie says the exploration sector will accelerate its repositioning for the energy transition in 2022 and this will see advantaged resources being targeted to replace maturing legacy assets.

Conventional exploration will follow the disciplined path set in 2021, despite improved prices. Spend will total US$20-25 billion, and wildcatting will be led by the Majors and larger National Oil Companies (NOCs).

WoodMac said these companies will find three-quarters of the 15-20 billion barrel of oil equivalent (boe) it expects from new discoveries. Success at this scale will deliver double-digit full cycle returns at US$50/bb.

“Deepwater plays with highly productive reservoirs will be prioritised, including giant prospects in Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Namibia and South Africa,” WoodMac said.

Hess says Guyana production could hit 1.5 million bpd before 2030

Explorers will once again downplay activity, with drilling and licensing kept under the radar. “only rare high-impact wells will be referred to as frontier,” WoodMac said, pointing out that what will be vocalised are the benefits of new discoveries and greenfield development in driving down portfolio emissions intensity.

Majors such as ExxonMobil and Total have been doubling down on assets that promise to deliver lighter oil at lower breakevens. Exxon has had significant success in this regard at the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana where it has found over 10 billion boe since 2015 in partnership with co-venturers Hess. The company is already producing oil at the Liza Phase 1 Development with a second phase set to come onstream by early 2022 and a third development at the Payara field targeted for 2024.

Yellowtail will develop largest resource base to date, Pinktail and Whiptail could be 6th project

Guyana’s biggest project to date and one of the largest subsea developments this century is pending government approvals. Yellowtail will deliver a whopping 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) at the Exxon-operated Stabroek Block by 2025, pushing Guyana’s total output well over 800,000 bpd.

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