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IEA: 2022年全球石油需求将超过疫情前水平

   2022-01-20 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据1月19日Market Watch报道,由于对疫情的免疫率不断提高,以及最近的奥密克戎危机没有被证明足够严重到需

据1月19日Market Watch报道,由于对疫情的免疫率不断提高,以及最近的奥密克戎危机没有被证明足够严重到需要恢复严格的封锁措施,今年全球石油需求将超过疫情前水平。




王佳晶 摘译自 Market Watch


IEA sees global oil demand topping pre-pandemic levels in 2022

Global oil demand will exceed pre-pandemic levels this year thanks to growing Covid-19 immunization rates and as recent virus waves haven’t proved severe enough to warrant a return to strict lockdown measures, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday.

In its monthly oil market report, the IEA hiked its oil demand growth forecast for the coming year by 200,000 barrels a day, to 3.3 million barrels a day. The Paris-based agency also raised its demand growth forecasts for 2021 by 200,000 barrels a day to 5.5 million barrels a day.

Factoring in the IEA’s more optimistic forecasts are signs that recent coronavirus variants have been faster spreading but less fatal, helping boost global economic resilience to the virus, and allowing states to continue on a path of gradually winding down lockdown restrictions.

“The number of Covid cases is exploding world-wide but measures taken by governments to contain the virus are less severe than during earlier waves and their impact on economic activity and oil demand remain relatively subdued,” the IEA said.

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