科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区

全球最大交易商维多称 已上涨逾10%的油价或将进一步上涨

   2022-01-19 互联网综合消息






他在迪拜咨询公司 Gulf Intelligence 举办的网络研讨会上表示,天然气的现状“提醒我们,人们在某个时候会放弃购买昂贵的能源”。问题是在什么时候影响石油市场。


穆勒称,白宫可能会从其战略石油储备中释放出比去年11月宣布的5000万桶更多的石油。美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)采取这一措施是为了降低汽油价格。目前美国汽油价格处于七年来的最高水平。


郝芬 译自 能源网


Brent Oil Near Highest Since 2014, Vitol Sees Further Gains

The world’s biggest independent oil trader said crude prices — already up more than 10% this year — could rise even more because of tight supplies.

“These prices are justified,” Mike Muller, head of Asia for Vitol Group, said Sunday. “Strong backwardation is very much justified,” he said, referring to a bullish pattern whereby near-term futures are more expensive than later ones.

Oil posted a fourth-straight gain last week, its longest rising streak since October, amid signs consumption will hold up despite the spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus. At the same time, spare capacity is dwindling as some of the world’s biggest producers struggle to boost output.

Brent crude has jumped 11% this year to over $86 a barrel, extending last year’s gain of 50%.

Muller said that while natural gas prices have climbed enough to cause some industrial users — including in Pakistan and Europe — to cut back on consumption, the oil market hadn’t reached that point.

What’s happening with gas “serves to remind us that people will abstain from buying expensive energy at some point,” he said on a webinar hosted by Dubai-based consultancy Gulf Intelligence. “The question is at what point that affects the oil market.”

U.S. Reserves

The White House will probably release more oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve than the 50 million barrels it announced in November, Muller said. President Joe Biden took that step to cool gasoline prices, which are around their highest in seven years in the U.S.

“The market’s saying: ‘More, please,’” Muller said when asked about supplies.

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