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   2022-01-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据烃加工网站1月14日报道 LanzaJet表示,微软将投资5000万美元于佐治亚州的LanzaJet工厂,该工厂明年将用乙

据烃加工网站1月14日报道 LanzaJet表示,微软将投资5000万美元于佐治亚州的LanzaJet工厂,该工厂明年将用乙醇生产喷气燃料。


总部位于芝加哥的LanzaJet表示,其Freedom Pines燃料生物精炼厂的现场工程已接近完成,计划在2023年开始每年从可持续乙醇(包括废物原料)生产1000万加仑的可持续航空燃料(SAF)和可再生柴油。





王磊 摘译自 烃加工


Microsoft invests $50 MM in alcohol-to-jet fuel biorefinery

Microsoft is investing $50 MM in a LanzaJet facility in Georgia that will produce jet fuel from ethanol next year, LanzaJet said.

The airline industry is considered one of the hardest to decarbonize. Renewable aviation fuel accounted for less than 0.1% of current global jet fuel demand of about 330 MM tons in 2019, investment bank Jefferies said last year. Governments and investors are trying to boost incentives to produce lower-carbon emitting jet fuel.

LanzaJet, based in Chicago, said it has nearly completed on-site engineering at its Freedom Pines Fuels biorefinery, with plans to start producing 10 MM gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel per year from sustainable ethanol, including from waste-based feedstocks, in 2023.

Oil majors, airlines and other petroleum trading companies including Suncor Energy Inc., British Airways and Shell are also funding the company.

The White House said last year that it wants to lower aviation emissions by 20% by 2030, as airlines face pressure from environmental groups to lower their carbon footprint.

The European Union is aiming to increase the amount of SAF blended in petroleum jet fuel to 63% by 2050.

Microsoft created the Climate Innovation Fund in 2020 to invest $1 B over the next four years to speed up the development of carbon removal technology.

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