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   2022-01-19 互联网综合消息

据阿纳多卢新闻1月17日消息称,两家公司周五宣布,Equinor和bp与纽约州能源研究与开发局(NYSERDA)就帝国风能2号和灯塔风能1号海上风力项目达成购买和销售协议 (PSA)。




bp零碳能源高级副总裁Felipe Arbelaez在声明中说,今天的里程碑是向前迈出的关键一步,我们将继续努力交付帝国风能和灯塔风能项目,在未来几十年提供清洁能源和稳定的回报。

曹海斌 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


Equinor, bp sign deal for offshore wind projects in New York

Equinor and bp finalized the Purchase and Sale Agreements (PSAs) with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), for Empire Wind 2 and Beacon Wind 1 offshore wind projects, companies announced on Friday.

The PSAs set the terms under which Empire Wind 2 will deliver 1,260 MW of renewable offshore wind power and Beacon Wind 1 will provide 1,230 MW of renewable offshore wind power while investing in New York's infrastructure.

Equinor and bp's current offshore wind project portfolio including Empire Wind 1, Empire Wind 2, and Beacon Wind 1, will generate enough electricity to power about 2 million New York homes and generate more than $1 billion in economic activity for the city once finished.

This includes port and infrastructure investments that will strengthen New York's position as the regional offshore wind industry hub—and a leading example of economic activity fueled by the energy transition.

'Today’s milestone is a critical step forward and we will continue to work hard to deliver the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind projects, providing clean energy and stable returns for decades to come,' Felipe Arbelaez, bp's senior vice president for zero carbon energy, was quoted as saying in the statement.

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