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   2022-01-17 互联网综合消息
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李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Oil Demand Strength Exceeds IEA Expectations

IEA Chief Birol: Demand dynamics are stronger than many of the market observers had thought

·     The next edition of the IEA’s Oil Market Report is scheduled for next Wednesday and may well contain some revisions in projections

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Global oil demand has proven to be more resilient to the effects of the Omicron variant’s spread than the International Energy Agency expected, according to its chief, Fatih Birol, who spoke to media at a virtual meeting this week.

“Demand dynamics are stronger than many of the market observers had thought, mainly due to the milder Omicron expectations,” Birol said, as quoted by Bloomberg.

“We see some of the key producers including Nigeria,and also Ecuador that have serious supply disruptions,” Birol said.

Ecuador has reduced oil production because of repairs on two key pipelines necessitated by advancing land erosion, but output rates should return to normal next month, according to an Argus report.

In Nigeria, production continues to be affected by technical and operational problems. Most other OPEC members and Russia have also found it hard to boost production in line with quotas.

The IEA forecast that global fuel consumption will decline considerably during this quarter because of pandemic-related restrictions, but it seems that the actual restrictions are not having such a grave effect on it.

At the same time, the IEA acknowledged in its December report that, unlike jet fuel demand, the demand for road transport fuels will remain strong even amid the latest surge in infections, also noting that it expected the effect of Omicron on oil demand to be more muted than previous strains.

The IEA forecast global oil demand to have grown by 5.4 million bpd in 2021, which is seen slowing down to 3.3 million bpd this year, with the total returning to pre-pandemic levels of 99.5 million bpd.

The next edition of the IEA’s Oil Market Report is scheduled for next Wednesday and may well contain some revisions in projections.

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