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美国W&T Offshore公司收购墨西哥湾油田

   2022-01-13 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据钻机地带1月11日消息称,总部位于休斯敦的石油和天然气公司WT Offshore通过收购美国联邦浅海地区的一些油

据钻机地带1月11日消息称,总部位于休斯敦的石油和天然气公司W&T Offshore通过收购美国联邦浅海地区的一些油气生产资产,扩大了其在墨西哥湾的投资组合。

该油田位于墨西哥湾中部地区,以4700万美元的现金收购。该交易将于 2021 年 7 月 1 日生效,预计将于 2022 年第一季度末完成。

新资产增加了内部估计的550万桶油当量的探明储量,以及760 万桶油当量的 2P 储量。这也将在三个浅水油田增加超过50口总生产井。

董事长兼首席执行官Tracy W. Krohn说:“收购是W&T创造价值的核心组成部分,此次交易是为我们的股东增加价值的另一个很好的收购例子。它符合我们所有的选择标准,拥有强大的已探明开发储量基础,为我们提供了确定的上升潜力,而无需大量的资本成本,并使我们能够降低成本,进一步增加自由现金流。”

更具体地说,W&T将从ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation和KOA Energy收购Ship Shoal 230、South Marsh Island 27/Vermilion 191和South Marsh Island 73油田。此次收购包括53口生产井和16个结构。此次收购的资金将全部使用手头的现金。



曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


W&T Offshore Buys Producing Gulf Of Mexico Fields

Houston-based oil and gas company W&T Offshore has expanded its Gulf of Mexico portfolio with the acquisition of several oil and gas producing assets in U.S. Federal shallow waters.

The acreage is located in the central region of the Gulf of Mexico and was bought for a cash consideration of $47 million. The transaction will have an effective date of July 1, 2021, and is anticipated to close by the end of the first quarter of 2022.

The new assets add internally estimated proved reserves of 5.5 million barrels of oil equivalent as well as 2P reserves of 7.6 million boe. This will also add over 50 gross producing wells in three shallow-water fields.

“Acquisitions are a core component of how we create value at W&T and this transaction is another great example of an acquisition that adds value for our stockholders. It meets all of our selection criteria, has a strong base of proved developed reserves, provides us with identified upside potential without significant capital costs, and allows us the ability to reduce costs to further increase free cash flow,” Tracy W. Krohn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said.

More specifically, W&T is acquiring the Ship Shoal 230, South Marsh Island 27/Vermilion 191, and South Marsh Island 73 fields from ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation and KOA Energy. The acquisition includes 53 producing wells and 16 structures. The acquisition will be funded entirely using cash on hand.

“These assets complement our existing high-quality portfolio extremely well, and given we operate other assets near these properties, we believe we’ll be able to leverage our scale and expertise to capture synergies and maximize the value of these assets. The current environment for acquisitions in the Gulf of Mexico continues to be very good and we are well-positioned to pursue additional attractive opportunities that present themselves,” Krohn added.

It is worth noting that the current estimated production from the properties is 2.5 MBbl per day of oil and 5.4 MMcf per day of natural gas or a total of 3.4 MBoe per day.

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