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   2022-01-14 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据今日油价网站1月12日消息 美国能源信息管理署(EIA)在其1月份的短期能源展望(STEO)中表示,由于供应增

据今日油价网站1月12日消息 美国能源信息管理署(EIA)在其1月份的短期能源展望(STEO)中表示,由于供应增长超过需求增长,全球库存增加将使今明两年的油价下跌。









王磊 摘译自 今日油价


EIA Sees Oil Prices Dropping In 2022, 2023

Global inventory builds due to supply growth outpacing demand increases will pressure oil prices down this year and next, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) for January.

Brent Crude prices, which averaged $79 a barrel in the fourth quarter of 2021, are set to average $75 per barrel during 2022 and $68 a barrel in 2023, the EIA said. 

The U.S. benchmark, WTI Crude, is expected to average $71.32 per barrel this year and $63.50 a barrel next year, the EIA said in its monthly outlook.

Early on Wednesday, before EIA’s weekly inventory report, WTI Crude was trading above $82, and Brent Crude was above $84 a barrel, after Fed Chair Jerome Powell said on Tuesday that the U.S. economy would see only a “short-lived” impact from the Omicron surge, and was ready for the beginning of monetary policy tightening. 

According to EIA’s estimates, inventory withdrawals globally averaged 1.4 million barrels per day (bpd) last year, thanks to faster demand growth than supply increases. This year, however, demand growth is set to slow while supply will grow faster, leading to builds in global petroleum inventories.

The world’s oil production is set to jump by 5.5 million bpd in 2022, driven by production increases in the United States, OPEC, and Russia, which together will account for 84 percent, or 4.6 million bpd, of the growth, the EIA said.

At the same time, global petroleum consumption will increase by 3.6 million bpd in 2022, the administration noted.

Inventories will build by 500,000 bpd this year, and by an average 600,000 bpd next year, putting downward pressure on oil prices, the EIA says. 

Last month, Goldman Sachs forecast crude oil prices could hit $100 in 2023 as demand growth outpaces supply growth.

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