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   2022-01-13 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据OILNOW网站1月11日消息 碳捕获和储存(CCS)、清洁氢气和海上浮式风电都是低碳技术,处于大规模商业化的

据OILNOW网站1月11日消息 碳捕获和储存(CCS)、清洁氢气和海上浮式风电都是低碳技术,处于大规模商业化的尖端,石油和天然气行业可以在这些技术上取得领导地位和大规模发展。为了确保圭亚那保持其绿色信誉,政府批准埃克森美孚公司研究在这个新的石油生产国使用碳捕获技术。

Westwood表示:“例如,埃克森美孚上月宣布与SGN和绿色投资集团签署了一份谅解备忘录,以探讨在英国南安普顿开发CCS和氢气。与此同时,bp宣布了位于英格兰东北部蒂赛德的Northern Endurance Partnership公司碳捕获项目的首批工程合同。



圭亚那副总统Bharrat Jagdeo在12月宣布,埃克森美孚已获得政府的批准,可以进行CCS研究,以便该公司可以在其南美国家的离岸业务中使用CCS。




吴恒磊 编译自 OILNOW


Low-carbon operations will become key asset, Exxon out front with tech

Carbon capture and storage, (CCS) clean hydrogen and floating offshore wind are all low-carbon technologies that are on the cusp of mass commercialisation and where the oil and gas sector could achieve leadership and massive scale. Keen to ensure Guyana maintains its green credentials, the government has given ExxonMobil approval to study the use of carbon capture tech in the new oil-producing country.

“ExxonMobil, to take one example, last month announced a memorandum of understanding with SGN and Green Investment Group to explore the development of a CCS and hydrogen cluster in Southampton, UK,” Westwood said. “BP, meanwhile, announced the first engineering contracts for the Northern Endurance Partnership carbon capture project in Teesside, Northeast England.”

Westwood said in 2022 further moves to capture market share and grow capabilities can be expected from companies.

“This process could help determine which technology niches offer the highest returns and are the best fit for oil and gas companies, although the relative weighting of investments in low-carbon technology is likely to be driven mostly by corporate and regional market characteristics,” Westwood said.

Guyana’s Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo announced in December that Exxon has been given the green light by the government to conduct CCS studies so that the company may utilize it in its operations offshore the South American country.

“Exxon sought permission and we have given that permission to do a study on carbon capture and storage,” Mr. Jagdeo said.

Last year the company announced major plans to commercialize its low carbon technology portfolio, with initial focus on CCS by launching ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions. This is a new company that will advance plans for more than 20 CCS opportunities around the world, investing US$3B into low carbon energy solutions globally through 2025.

“With our demonstrated leadership in carbon capture and emissions reduction technologies, ExxonMobil is committed to meeting the demand for affordable energy while reducing emissions and managing the risks of climate change,” said ExxonMobil’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Darren Woods.

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