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   2022-01-07 互联网综合消息


经过竞争性招标程序,ADNOC Offshore将“长期发展计划-第一阶段”(LTDP-1)EPC合同授予阿联酋国家石油建设公司(NPCC)。该合同的范围包括工程、采购、制造、安装和调试活动,以维持乌姆沙伊夫275000桶/天的原油生产能力,提高效率并增强该油田的长期潜力。


ADNOC上游执行董事Yaser Saeed Almazrouei表示:“这项重要的合同将使ADNOC海上乌姆沙伊夫油田的长期开发效率最大化,同时保持未来的产量,并支持ADNOC到2030年实现每天500万桶石油生产能力的战略目标。此外,乌姆沙伊夫的发展计划巩固了ADNOC保持其作为领先的低成本石油生产商的地位的承诺,并加强了我们作为全球客户可靠能源供应商的作用。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


ADNOC invests in long-term development of Umm Shaif field

ADNOC has awarded a US$946 million (AED3.47 billion) Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract for the strategic long-term development of its Umm Shaif field.

The ‘Long-Term Development Plan – Phase 1’ (LTDP-1) EPC contract was awarded by ADNOC Offshore to National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) after a competitive tender process. The scope of the award covers engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation and commissioning activities required to maintain Umm Shaif’s 275 000 bpd crude oil production capacity, increase efficiencies and enhance the field’s long-term potential.

The EPC contract, which is due to be completed in 2025, comprises two packages for network expansion and new well-head towers.

Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC Upstream Executive Director, said: “This important award for the long-term development of ADNOC’s pioneer offshore Umm Shaif field will maximize efficiencies while maintaining future output and supporting ADNOC’s strategic objective of five million barrels of oil production capacity a day by 2030. In addition, the development plan for Umm Shaif underpins ADNOC’s commitment to maintain its position as a leading low-cost oil producer and strengthens our role as a reliable energy provider to customers around the world.

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