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   2022-02-15 互联网综合消息


作为更广泛削减的一部分,埃克森美孚在 2020 年大幅削减了其贸易部门的资金,使交易员没有足够的资金在疫情期间充分利用动荡的石油市场。


消息人士称,在路透去年报道的离职高管中,Paul Butcher原计划于9月离职,但在埃克森决定分配更多融资后仍留任,但未提供更多细节。


据linkedIn和两名消息人士透露,Angela Cranmer在今年1月加入了他的团队。她在linkedIn上的个人资料显示,她之前是一名高级中级馏分交易员。消息人士补充称,埃克森美孚仍在寻求通过内部和外部招聘来扩张。

两名消息人士称,该公司还聘请了两名成品油交易员Jon Hives和James Clements,他们于今年1月加入了在布鲁塞尔的团队,作为扩张的一部分。据linkedIn称,Hives于今年1月加入。

埃克森美孚发言人Julie King表示:“我们活跃的交易项目在继续增长,我们对所取得的进展感到满意。”但拒绝就具体招聘发表评论。


朱佳妮 摘译自 油气新闻


Exxon Mobil expands oil futures, products trading in Europe

Exxon Mobil is injecting new cash into oil trading in Europe after a retreat on its ambitious expansion plans last year, three people with knowledge of the matter said.

Exxon slashed funding for its trading division in 2020 as part of wider cuts, leaving traders without the capital they needed to take full advantage of the volatile oil market during peak COVID-19 lockdowns.

The company’s cautious strategy during the pandemic sparked the exodus of some senior-level recruits from the previous couple of years, along with Exxon veterans, after they were restricted to routine hedging and deals.

Among the senior departures Reuters reported last year, Paul Butcher was due to leave in September but then stayed after Exxon decided to allocate more financing, the sources said, without providing further detail.

The sources said Exxon would keep its trading expansion going. Butcher is now expanding the paper market team in Exxon’s office outside London, which would see Exxon engage in speculative trade beyond hedging their own oil, they said.

Angela Cranmer moved internally to join his team in January this year, according to linkedIn and two sources. She was previously a senior middle distillates trader, her linkedIn profile showed. The sources added that Exxon was still looking to expand with internal and external hires.

The company also hired two refined products traders, Jon Hives and James Clements, who joined the team in Brussels in January as part of the expansion, two sources said. According to linkedIn, Hives joined in January.

“Our active trading program continues to grow, and we’re pleased with the progress we are making,” Julie King, an Exxon spokesperson said, but declined to comment on the specific hires.

Last week, Exxon reported its biggest profit in seven years in the fourth quarter of 2021 on the back of soaring energy prices.

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