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   2022-02-14 互联网综合消息






在谈到公司向综合能源公司转型的进展时,首席执行官Bernard Looney表示: “2021 年实现了其承诺——在转型的同时实现良好的利润。我们在向综合能源公司转型方面取得了长足进展:专注并提升我们的碳氢化合物业务,在便利性和移动性方面取得增长,并有纪律地建设低碳能源业务——目前在海上风力项目中拥有超过5吉瓦——以及在氢能源领域的重大机遇。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


bp posts $12.8 billion profit in 2021

British energy giant bp reported a $12.8 billion profit in 2021, compared to a $5.69 billion loss in 2020, fueled by higher global oil and gas prices, it announced on Tuesday.

The company recorded a $4.06 billion profit in the fourth quarter of 2021, up from a $3.3 billion profit in the third quarter, driven by 'higher oil and gas realizations, higher upstream production volumes and stronger refining commercial optimization.'

The company managed to reduce net debt for the seventh successive quarter to $30.6 billion at the end of 2021.

For 2022, bp anticipates using 60% surplus cash flow for share buybacks, while allocating the remaining 40% to strengthen the balance sheet.

'On average, based on bp’s current forecasts, at around $60 per barrel Brent and subject to the board’s discretion each quarter, bp expects to be able to deliver share buybacks of around $4 billion per annum and have capacity for an annual increase in the dividend per ordinary share of around 4 percent through 2025,' the company said.

Speaking on the company's progress transitioning to an Integrated Energy Company, Chief Executive Officer Bernard Looney, said, '2021 shows bp doing what we said we would - performing while transforming. We've made strong progress in our transformation to an integrated energy company: focusing and high grading our hydrocarbons business, growing in convenience and mobility and building with discipline a low carbon energy business - now with over 5GW in offshore wind projects - and significant opportunities in hydrogen.'

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