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   2022-02-10 互联网综合消息


知情人士说,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)时下正在与银行商谈可能的绿色债券发行事宜。 知情人士说,ADNOC可能会转而选择与可持续发展挂钩的债券,这种债券比绿色债券更具灵活性,因为它们不与特定项目挂钩。 

ADNOC拒绝置评。 知情人士说,ADNOC的讨论与该公司今年从传统债券融资大约30亿-50亿美元的计划是分开的。  



ADNOC是阿联酋实现净零目标的关键部分。 ADNOC正计划花费数十亿美元在技术上捕获碳和制造氢,后者是一种燃烧时只排放水蒸气的燃料。ADNOC还参与了阿联酋通过可再生能源公司马斯达尔公司增加太阳能发电的战略。 

埃及在2020年末发行了中东首个主权绿色债券。 沙特阿拉伯和卡塔尔也在考虑效仿,沙特主权财富基金也是考虑发行绿色债券。  

与其他国家一样,阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和巴林等海湾国家的净零排放目标只适用于国内排放。 这意味着他们在理论上可以继续每年出口价值数十亿美元的石油和天然气。 

在全球范围内,环境、社会和治理债务的销售正在飙升。 在中东和北非,这一数字在去年跃升至190亿美元,是一年前的2.5倍多。  

李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


ADNOC Mulls Green Bond

Abu Dhabi’s state oil producer is considering a sale of green bonds for the first time, according to people with knowledge of the matter, as companies and governments in the Persian Gulf increasingly look to tap investors in sustainable assets.

Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. is speaking to banks about a possible green issuance, the people said. The company, which pumps almost all the crude in the United Arab Emirates, may opt instead for sustainability-linked bonds, which provide more flexibility than green bonds because they’re not tied to specific projects, said the people.

The company declined to comment. Adnoc’s discussions are separate from its plans to raise about $3 billion to $5 billion from conventional bonds this year, the people said.

Net-zero Goal

While the UAE’s position as OPEC’s third-biggest oil producer may not sit easily with all green investors, in October the country became the first Gulf state to commit to neutralizing planet-warming emissions within its borders. It aims to do that by 2050.

Adnoc is a crucial part of the UAE’s net-zero target. The company is planning to spend billions of dollars on technology to capture carbon and manufacture hydrogen, a fuel which emits only water vapor when burned. It’s also involved in the UAE’s strategy to ramp up solar power through renewable-energy firm Masdar.

Egypt sold the Middle East’s first sovereign green bond in late 2020. Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s governments are considering following suit, as is the Saudi sovereign wealth fund.

Like those of other countries, the net-zero targets of the Gulf states such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain only apply to domestic emissions. That means they can in theory continue to export billions-of-dollars-worth of oil and gas each year.

Sales of environmental, social and governance debt are soaring globally. In the Middle East and North Africa they jumped to $19 billion in 2021, more than 2.5 times the level a year earlier.

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