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   2022-02-15 互联网综合消息



该机构解释说:“Omicron 变体对需求的负面影响较预期温和,但这在很大程度上被美国寒流带来的额外消费以及一些工业部门继续从天然气转向石油所抵消。


目前估计 2019 年世界石油需求为 1.003 亿桶/日,相对于 IEA 之前的数据向上修正了 77 万桶/日。

该机构预计 omicron 变体的快速传播和加速疫苗接种计划预计将在第一季度末提高人口免疫力,预计下半年出行限制将更加有限,这将支持交通需求的强劲复苏。


朱佳妮 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


Int. Energy Agency oil demand forecast up 900,000 barrels per day for 2022

The International Energy Agency (IEA) revised up its global oil demand estimates for 2022 by around 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) compared to last month's assessment.

Global oil demand is estimated to reach 100.6 million bpd, increasing by 3.2 million bpd in 2022 year on year, according to the IEA's latest oil market report on Friday.

'The milder-than-expected negative impact of the Omicron variant on demand has been largely offset by additional consumption stemming from a cold snap in the US and a continued switch to oil from gas in some industrial sectors,' the agency explained.

It noted that the absolute level of demand increased significantly from last month’s report, which have been revised higher on new and more complete data.

World oil demand in 2019 is now estimated at 100.3 million bpd, an upward revision of 770,000 bpd relative to the IEA's previous data.

The agency projects that the fast spread of the omicron variant and accelerated vaccination programs are expected to increase population immunity by the end of the first quarter, while restrictions to mobility are anticipated to be more limited in the second half of the year, supporting a strong recovery in transportation demand.

The growth this year will be driven by the Asia Pacific region with 37.5 million bpd of demand, followed by the Americas with 31.03 million bpd and Europe with 14.4 million bpd.

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