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   2022-02-14 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据能源网2月13日乔治城报道,今天,埃克森美孚宣布其在圭亚那Stabroek区块的第二个海上石油开发项目Liza Ph

据能源网2月13日乔治城报道,今天,埃克森美孚宣布其在圭亚那Stabroek区块的第二个海上石油开发项目Liza Phase 2开始生产,自圭亚那首次发现该油田以来,仅七年时间,总日产能就达到34万桶以上。

Liza Unity浮式、生产、储存和卸载(FPSO)船的产量预计将在今年晚些时候达到22万桶石油的目标,因为作业将继续安全上线。这增加了于2019年12月投产的Liza Destiny FPSO超过12万桶的日产能,目前的产能高于设计产能。Stabroek区块的可采资源基础目前估计超过100亿桶石油当量。

埃克森美孚上游油气部门总裁Liam Mallon表示,我们正与政府和圭亚那人民密切合作,以负责任的方式开发这一世界级的资源,帮助满足世界能源需求,并以创纪录的速度为所有利益相关者提供更高的价值,远高于行业平均水平。凭借无与伦比的项目执行,我们现在有两个生产设施在圭亚那近海运营。

当前资源有可能支持多达10个项目。 埃克森美孚预计,到2025年底,Stabroek区块将有四艘日产能超过80万桶的FPSO投入运营。Stabroek区块的第三个项目Payara,预计将使用目前正在建造的繁荣号FPSO船舶,日产能约22万桶石油。该区块的第四个项目Yellowtail项目的油田开发计划和环境授权申请已提交给政府和监管部门审批。

这些额外项目的及时开发和海上勘探的持续成功将使圭亚那的能力稳步提升并促进经济增长。 现在有3,500多名当地民众为埃克森美孚在圭亚那工作。2021年,埃克森美孚及其直接承包商与880多家当地供应商的支出约为2.19亿美元,同比增长37%。

Liza Unity号于2021年10月抵达圭亚那。它停泊在约1650米深的水域,将能够储存约200万桶原油。Liza Unity是世界上第一艘被美国航运局授予SUPPAINT-1的FPSO,以表彰其设计、文件和操作程序的可持续性。

埃克森美孚子公司埃索勘探与生产圭亚那有限公司(Esso Exploration and Production)作为运营商,持有45%的权益。赫斯圭亚那勘探有限公司持有30%的权益。

郝芬 译自 能源网


ExxonMobil Starts Production at Guyana’s Second Offshore Development

ExxonMobil today said it started production at Guyana’s second offshore oil development on the Stabroek Block, Liza Phase 2, bringing total production capacity to more than 340,000 barrels per day in only seven years since the country’s first discovery.

Production at the Liza Unity floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel is expected to reach its target of 220,000 barrels of oil later this year, as operations continue to be brought safely online. It adds to the more than 120,000 barrels per day of capacity at the Liza Destiny FPSO, which began production in December 2019 and is now delivering at better than design capacity. The Stabroek Block’s recoverable resource base is currently estimated at more than 10 billion oil-equivalent barrels.

“We are collaborating closely with the government and people of Guyana to develop this world-class resource responsibly, helping to meet the world’s energy needs and delivering enhanced value for all stakeholders at a record pace and well ahead of the industry average,” said Liam Mallon, president, ExxonMobil Upstream Oil and Gas. “With unparalleled project execution, we now have two production facilities operating offshore Guyana.”

The current resource has the potential to support up to 10 projects. ExxonMobil anticipates that four FPSOs with a capacity of more than 800,000 barrels per day will be in operation on the Stabroek Block by year-end 2025. Payara, the third project in the Stabroek Block, is expected to produce approximately 220,000 barrels of oil per day using the Prosperity FPSO vessel, which is currently under construction. The field development plan and application for environmental authorization for the Yellowtail project, the fourth project in the block, have been submitted for government and regulatory approval.

Timely development of these additional projects and continued exploration success offshore will enable the steady advancement of Guyanese capabilities and enhanced economic growth. More than 3,500 Guyanese are now supporting ExxonMobil’s activities in Guyana. ExxonMobil and its direct contractors spent approximately $219 million with more than 880 local suppliers in 2021, a 37% year-over-year increase.

The Liza Unity arrived in Guyana in October 2021. It is moored in water depth of about 1,650 meters and will be able to store around 2 million barrels of crude. The Liza Unity is the world’s first FPSO to be awarded the SUSTAIN-1 notation by the American Bureau of Shipping in recognition of the sustainability of its design, documentation and operational procedures.

ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45% interest. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest.

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