科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区

受东北亚和欧洲价格上涨影响 1月IPEX上涨2.3%

   2022-02-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据ICIS网站2月8日消息 ICIS石化指数(IPEX)1月份环比上涨2.3%,石化和塑料市场因原料原油和能源价格上涨而

据ICIS网站2月8日消息 ICIS石化指数(IPEX)1月份环比上涨2.3%,石化和塑料市场因原料原油和能源价格上涨而全球反弹。







王磊 摘译自 ICIS


January IPEX up 2.3% on price rises in northeast Asia, Europe

LonDON (ICIS)–The ICIS Petrochemical Index (IPEX) rose by 2.3% month on month in January, as petrochemical and plastic markets rallied globally amid rising feedstock crude oil and energy prices. 

Northeast Asia posted the largest increase, with some commodities such as butadiene rising up to 18.8% month on month. Other products, like ethylene or PVC, posted a decline above 7% over December, but it was not enough to counteract other increases in the region. 

Northwest Europe’s values rose by 2.4% in January overall. That uptrend was driven up mainly by a sharp increase in the price of benzene and toluene. only butadiene (BD) and polyethylene (PE) saw their values fall last month in the region. 

The US Gulf area posted the softest increase in pricing, with its IPEX index moving up by only 1%. Ethylene and toluene posted the largest hike, with values moving up by more than 12%. PVC, paraxylene, methanol and BD posted a decline. 

The January US Gulf IPEX can be subject to change as the January US polypropylene monthly contract remains unsettled at the date of publication of this article. 

The Global IPEX index has risen by 20% year on year. 

The monthly IPEX indices provide a snapshot of the petrochemicals and plastics markets in the three major producing and consuming regions, as well as globally.

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