科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-02-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据天然气加工网站2月8日消息 切尼尔能源伙伴公司为切尼尔能源的子公司,该公司于2022年2月4日宣布,路易斯

据天然气加工网站2月8日消息 切尼尔能源伙伴公司为切尼尔能源的子公司,该公司于2022年2月4日宣布,路易斯安那州卡梅伦教区Sabine Pass液化项目(SPL项目)的6号生产线已完工。目前调试已完成,切尼尔的工程总承包合作伙伴柏克德已将6号生产线的运营和控制权移交给切尼尔能源伙伴公司。


切尼尔能源伙伴公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官杰克·福斯科表示:“6号生产线的加速完工再次反映了切尼尔和柏克德团队一贯达到的世界级执行标准,我们为Sabine Pass 6条生产线的愿景安全、提前、按预算完成而感到自豪。切尼尔液化平台在Sabine Pass和科珀斯克里斯蒂共有9条生产线,是世界第二大液化平台,为我们的全球客户群提供了清洁、安全和廉价的能源。我们期待着有机会在我们的平台基础上,未来在这两个地点进行严格的棕地增长。”

吴恒磊 编译自 天然气加工


Cheniere announces completion of Train 6

Cheniere Energy Partners, a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy Inc., announced the completion of Train 6 at the Sabine Pass liquefaction project in Cameron Parish, Louisiana (the SPL Project) was achieved on February 4, 2022. Commissioning is complete and Bechtel, Cheniere’s EPC partner, has turned over care, custody, and control of Train 6 to Cheniere Partners.

Cheniere Partners and Bechtel have now declared completion of all six liquefaction trains at the SPL Project ahead of each train’s guaranteed completion date and within project budgets. With the completion, financial results of LNG sales from Train 6 going forward will be reflected in the statement of operations of Cheniere Partners and its applicable affiliates. 

“The accelerated completion of Train 6 once again reflects the world-class standard of execution consistently achieved by the Cheniere and Bechtel teams, and we are proud to have the six train vision of Sabine Pass completed safely, ahead of schedule and on budget,” said Jack Fusco, Chairman, President and CEO of Cheniere Partners. “With nine total trains across both the Sabine Pass and Corpus Christi projects, the Cheniere liquefaction platform is the second largest in the world, reliably providing our global customer base with clean, secure and affordable energy. We look forward to opportunities to build upon our platform with disciplined, brownfield growth at both sites in the future.”

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