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WTI接近93美元 美国钻机数量连续第15周上升

   2022-02-07 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据今日油价网站2月4日消息 本周,美国活跃钻机数量增加了3部,这是美国石油和天然气钻机数量连续第15周增加

据今日油价网站2月4日消息 本周,美国活跃钻机数量增加了3部,这是美国石油和天然气钻机数量连续第15周增加。WTI价格继续攀升至2014年以来的最高水平,钻机总数量目前达613部。尽管努力维持资本纪律并将资金返还给股东,但这对钻井公司来说可能很难放弃。



尽管美国钻机数量稳步增长,美国石油产量长期呈上升趋势,但近期石油产量短期趋势呈下降。 根据美国能源信息署的数据,上周美国石油产量再次下降,截至1月28日当周为1150万桶/日, 这是自 11 月中旬以来的最低产量水平。


Primary Vision的压裂分布指数跟踪了完成之前钻井的完井人员数量,显示截至1月28日的一周内,完井人员连续第四周增加4人,至261人。目前,完井人员比一年前同期增加了91人。


王磊 摘译自 今日油价


U.S. Rig Count Rises For 15th Straight Week As WTI Nears $93

The number of active drilling rigs in the United States rose by 3 this week—the 15th straight weekly increase to the number of oil and gas rigs in the United States. The total rig count now sits at 613 as the price of a WTI barrel continues to climb to levels not seen since 2014—an attraction to drillers that could find too hard to pass up despite the push to maintain capital discipline and return money to shareholders.

Baker Hughes reported this week that the total active rig figure—oil, gas, and miscellaneous—is 221 rigs higher than the rig count this time in 2021.

Oil-directed rigs rose 2 to 497, while gas-directed rigs were up by 1 to 116. 

While the U.S. is seeing steady gains in the number of drilling rigs, and while the longer-term trend of U.S. oil production is upward, the recent short-term trend for oil production has taken a downward slant. Oil production in the U.S. last week fell again, to 11.5 million bpd for week ending January 28, according to the Energy Information Administration. This is the lowest production level since mid-November.  

The rig count in the Permian Basin rose by 1 this week, with Chevron and Exxon both detailing in the quarterly results big plans for the basin this year. The Permian's total rig count is now 294.

Primary Vision's Frac Spread Count, which tracks the number of completion crews finishing off previously drilled wells, shows that completion crews rose for the fourth week in a row by 4 to 261 for week ending January 28. The frac spread count is now up 91 from a year ago. 

At 12:43 p.m. EST, oil prices were trending up the day, intent on setting multi-year records. WTI was trading at $92.77—up 2.77% on the day and $5 per barrel on the week. The Brent benchmark traded at $93.50 per barrel at that time, up 2.62% on the day and up just under $3 per barrel on the week.

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