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   2022-02-09 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据天然气加工网站2月7日报道 必和必拓集团(BHP)在新加坡推出了世界上第一艘以液化天然气为燃料的散货船。

据天然气加工网站2月7日报道 必和必拓集团(BHP)在新加坡推出了世界上第一艘以液化天然气为燃料的散货船。作为遏制供应链排放努力的一部分,这家矿业巨头将于2022年接收五艘船中的一艘。


必和必拓首席商务官Vandita Pant表示,液化天然气船每次航行的排放量将降低约30%。

Vandita Pant在新加坡裕廊港的船舶下水仪式上表示:“这为我们的客户和供应商减少了排放。”

Vandita Pant表示,虽然该船仍然可以燃烧传统的低硫燃油,但必和必拓打算尽可能多地使用液化天然气为该矿砂运输货船供电。

必和必拓海运供应链负责人Rashpal Bhatti表示,新船上安装的发动机和油箱将使该公司能够将使用的天然气类型从我们现在所知的液化天然气调整为未来有望开发的更高能量密度和生物液化天然气燃料。

Rashpal Bhatti还表示,还可以用较小的成本对其进行改造,以同时燃烧氨气。

王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


BHP unveils world's first LNG-powered ore carrier

BHP Group unveiled the world's first LNG-fueled bulk carrier vessel in Singapore, one of five vessels that the mining giant will take delivery of in 2022 as part of efforts to curb supply chain emissions.

BHP, which is the world's largest miner and shipper of dry bulk commodities, is targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its value chain by 2050. It views its fleet of LNG-powered bulkers as a key means to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants over the near term even as a majority of its fleet still runs on high-emitting fuel oil.

BHP Chief Commercial Officer Vandita Pant said the LNG vessels would lower emissions by about 30% per journey.

"That reduces our emissions for our customers and for our suppliers," she said at the vessel launch at Jurong port in Singapore.

While the vessel can also still burn traditional very low sulfur fuel oil, BHP intends to use LNG to power Mt. Tourmaline as much as possible, said Pant.

BHP's head of maritime supply chain, Rashpal Bhatti, said the engine and tank set up on the new vessels will allow the company to adjust the type of gas used from "LNG as we know it right now" to more energy dense and bio-LNG fuels that are expected to be developed in the future.

It can also be retrofitted with "a little bit of capital expenditure to also burn ammonia," he said.

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