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   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息


印尼投资部部长Bahlil Lahadalia在一次在线新闻发布会上表示,作为东南亚最大的经济体,印尼希望今年从国内外吸引1200万亿印尼盾(约合834.3亿美元)的投资,高于2021年的901.02万亿印尼盾。


投资部长Bahlil Lahadalia在新闻发布会上说:“2022年投资的优先重点,首先我们必须参考我们总统的宏伟愿景,那就是转型和(自然资源)下游。”

他表示,今年在该领域的投资包括国有矿商Bukit Asam投资23亿美元兴建的煤气化工厂,以及韩国LG集团的电动汽车电池项目。


朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


Indonesia targets 33% jump in 2022 investment by tapping resource processing

Indonesia aims to boost total investment this year by a third, bolstered by an influx of investment into its resource-processing sector, a cabinet minister said on Thursday, after reporting foreign direct investment (FDI) rose 10% in 2021.

Southeast Asia's largest economy wants to attract 1,200 trillion rupiah ($83.43 billion) in investment this year, from both domestic and foreign sources, up from 2021's 901.02 trillion rupiah, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia told an online news conference.

Last year, Indonesia recorded 454 trillion rupiah of FDI, up 10% from 2020 and representing more than half of total investment. The data excludes investment in banking and the oil and gas sectors.

"The priority focus for investment in 2022, firstly we must refer to the grand vision of our president, which is transformation and downstreaming (of natural resources)," Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia told a news conference.

Investment in this area this year included a $2.3 billion coal gasification plant by state miner Bukit Asam and electric vehicle battery projects by South Korea's LG Group , he said.

"This year, some (investors) have confirmed to build an industry in North Kalimantan, which will be a big alumina production hub and will have petrochemicals as well," Bahlil said.

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