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   2022-01-28 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据EnergiesNet网站1月26日基多报道,厄瓜多尔国家石油公司( Petro ecuador )首席执行官伊塔洛·塞德诺( Ita

据EnergiesNet网站1月26日基多报道,厄瓜多尔国家石油公司( Petro ecuador )首席执行官伊塔洛·塞德诺( Italo Ced eno ) 1 月 24 日表示,该公司计划今年在其最大油田共钻 33 口井,这是政府将该国原油产量翻番目标的一部分。




除非发生重大变化,分析公司预计厄瓜多尔的原油产量将从2021年的约 50.2万桶/日增长至2030年的逾 59 万桶/天。


在1月24日的声明之前,上周有消息称,加拿大石油公司弗朗特拉能源公司(Frontera Energy )六年来首次在厄瓜多尔发现石油。

位于卡尔加里的Frontera公司在一份声明中表示,Jandaya-1井的钻探深度为10975英尺,预计将于下月开始长期测试。根据 Frontera称,与 GeoPark合资的 Perico 油气田将在2月份迎来第二口井( Tui - 1 )。

郝芬 译自 能源网


Petroecuador to drill 33 oilwells at its Coca, Ayca, Shushufindi fields in 2022

State oil company Petroecuador plans to drill a total of 33 wells in its largest oilfields this year, part of the government’s goal to double the country’s crude oil production, CEO Italo Cedeno said Jan. 24

The company will drill 12 wells in the Shushufindi fields, 11 in Auca and 10 in Yuralpa, all in the Amazon jungle Napo Basin, Cedeno said in a statement.

“It’s our obligation to optimize the fields,” Cedeno said after visiting the fields. “We have to take advantage of the high oil prices.Auca is currently producing 74,980 b/d, followed by Shushufindi (58,807 b/d) and the Yuralpa block’s Coca-Payamino field (12,667 b/d), the company said.

Petroecuador’s oilfields are operating at 99% of capacity after restarting the 360,000 b/d SOTE oil pipeline, according to the company. The SOTE conduit reopened Dec. 30 after a three-week shutdown due to flooding.

Barring dramatic changes, Analytics projects Ecuador’s crude production to grow from about 502,000 b/d in 2021 to more than 590,000 b/d by 2030.

Ecuador was producing 493,700 b/d of crude through Jan. 20, according to the ministry. Petroecuador accounts for about 80% of the country’s output.

The Jan. 24 announcement followed news last week that Canadian oil company Frontera Energy made the first oil find in Ecuador in six years.

The Jandaya-1 well was drilled to a depth of 10,975 feet and is expected to start long-term testing next month, Calgary-based Frontera said in a statement. The Perico oil and gas field, a joint venture with GeoPark, will see a second well (Tui-1) drilled in February, according to Frontera.

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