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   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据OE网站1月28日报道,据一位知情人士周二表示,埃克森美孚( ExxonMobil Corp .)计划下月在其位于圭亚那的

据OE网站1月28日报道,据一位知情人士周二表示,埃克森美孚( ExxonMobil Corp .)计划下月在其位于圭亚那的第二个石油平台开始生产。


第二艘Liza Unity号将使这个南美国家今年的油气日产量增加近两倍,从大约12万桶/天增至34万桶/天。埃克森美孚和合作伙伴控制着这个新兴石油国家的所有产量,该国于2019年开始生产。埃克森美孚领导的一个财团运营着圭亚那海岸附近的Stabroek区块。

埃克森美孚作为运营商持有45%的股份,美国石油公司赫斯(Hess Corp)持有30%的股份。

新估算的储量将包括本月早些时候公布的Fangtooth-1和Lau Lau-1井的油气。总计,该财团已披露了该国28项重大发现。

周三公布第四季度财务业绩的赫斯曾表示,预计到2027年,该公司在圭亚那Stabroek 区块将日产100万桶石油和天然气。这大约是埃克森公司在美国二叠纪盆地的产量的两倍。

第三艘浮式生产储油和卸载( FPSO )船名为“繁荣号”( Prosperity ),目前正在建造中,预计将于2024年交付首批石油。

据官方称,该财团计划在圭亚那部署7-10 个平台。

郝芬 译自 OE


ExxonMobil to Start Production from Second FPSO in Guyana Next Month

Exxon Mobil Corp. next month plans to start production at its second oil platform in Guyana, a person familiar with the matter said Tuesday.

Guyana is one of Exxon's top bets for production growth. Its recent discoveries are expected to drive recoverable oil and gas volumes beyond 10 billion barrels, the person said.

The second vessel, Liza Unity, will almost triple the South American country's production this year to 340,000 barrels of oil and gas per day from about 120,000 bpd. Exxon and partners control all output in the nascent oil nation, where production started in 2019. An Exxon-led consortium operates the Stabroek block off the coast of Guyana.

Exxon is the operator with a 45% stake while U.S. oil company Hess Corp owns a 30% stake.

The new volume estimate will incorporate oil and gas from Fangtooth-1 and Lau Lau-1 wells, both made public earlier this month. In all, the consortium has disclosed 28 significant discoveries in the country.

Hess, which released fourth-quarter financial results on Wednesday, has said it expects the Stabroek block to produce 1 million barrels per day of oil and gas in Guyana by 2027. That's about twice Exxon's production in the U.S. Permian basin.

A third floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, named Prosperity, is under construction and expected to deliver its first oil in 2024.

The consortium plans to deploy between seven and 10 platforms in Guyana, officials have said.

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