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   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据阿拉伯贸易1月27日消息称,科威特外国石油勘探公司 (Kufpec) 表示,其全资子公司 Kufpec Indonesia (Anaa

据阿拉伯贸易1月27日消息称,科威特外国石油勘探公司 (Kufpec) 表示,其全资子公司 Kufpec Indonesia (Anaambas) 在印度尼西亚近海的 Anambas区块发现了天然气和凝析油。

Kufpec Indonesia 通过成功钻探 Anambas-2X 井发现的。这一发现标志着 Kufpec 的第一个海上勘探发现,表明了Kufpec作为海上油气项目运营商的增长和潜力,与Kufpec 2040战略相一致。


Anambas区块位于Natuna海,靠近Kufpec合作伙伴所在的现有区块,通过2019年的竞争性招标程序,该区块被Kufpec Indonesia授予。该区块由Kufpec Indonesia全面运营,该公司也持有该区块全部100%的参与权益。Kufpec Indonesia的产量分成合同的许可证期限为30年,其中包括6年的勘探期。

作为钻探活动的一部分,Kufpec Indonesia 迄今为止进行了两次钻杆测试,一次在 Lower Gabus 地层进行,另一次在 Intra Keras 地层进行。

朱佳妮 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易


Kufpec announces first offshore exploration discovery

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (Kufpec) said that its wholly-owned subsidiary Kufpec Indonesia (Anambas) has made a commercial discovery of gas and condensate in the Anambas Block, offshore Indonesia.

Kufpec Indonesia made the discovery through the successful drilling of the Anambas-2X well. This discovery marks the first operated offshore exploration discovery for Kufpec and demonstrates Kufpec’s growth and potential as an operator of offshore oil and gas projects, consistent with the Kufpec 2040 Strategy.

The well was drilled in 288 feet of water, using a jack-up rig to reach a total depth of 10,509 feet.

Located in the Natuna Sea near an existing block in which Kufpec is a partner, the Anambas Block was awarded to Kufpec Indonesia through a competitive bidding process in 2019. The Block is fully operated by Kufpec Indonesia, which also holds the entire 100% participating interest in the Block. Kufpec Indonesia’s production sharing contract has a license term of 30 years, including a 6-year exploration period.

As part of the drilling campaign, Kufpec Indonesia conducted two Drill Stem Tests so far, one in the Lower Gabus Formation and the other in the Intra Keras Formation.


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