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   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息




莱茵集团可再生能源公司负责北欧、波兰和波罗的海海上开发的执行副总裁 Pl Coldevin在评论该承租协议签署时表示,斯堪的纳维亚,尤其是丹麦,是我们重要的战略增长市场。丹麦不仅有非常有利的风力条件,该国也有雄心部署更多的海上风力发电。


丹麦气候、能源和公用事业部长Dan Jrgensen表示,我很高兴与莱茵集团和Thor风电场I/S就Thor海上风电场达成协议,因为这表明丹麦风力发电在世界市场上是一项很好的业务。我们在30年前建造了丹麦的第一个海上风电场,因为我们对海上风力发电的潜力有一个远见和信念。今天,我们可以看到,进一步的部署不仅是由政治野心推动的,而且,在一个全新的程度上,也是由强大的市场力量推动的。风力发电不仅有利于气候,也可以是一笔好生意。

郝芬 译自 OE


RWE Signs Deal to Build Thor, Denmark's Largest Offshore Wind Farm

German renewable energy giant RWE has this week signed a 30-year concession agreement with the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) for the rights to build and operate Denmark's largest offshore wind farm to date, the 1GW Thor.

The wind farm will be built off the Danish west coast and is scheduled to reach full operation in 2027. once fully operational, Thor would be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of more than one million Danish households.  Total investment costs have been estimated at DKK 15.5 billion ($2,3 billion).

Several bidders had offered to build the offshore wind farm with the largest possible capacity and at a minimum price leading the Danish Energy Agency to opt for a lottery system to select the winner - RWE - back in December 2021.

Commenting on the concession agreement signing,  Pl Coldevin, Executive Vice President for Offshore Development Nordics, Poland and Baltics at RWE Renewables said: "Scandinavia, and Denmark in particular, are important strategic growth markets for us. Denmark not only has very favorable wind conditions, the country also has ambitions to deploy even more offshore wind power.

"We are looking forward to working with the Danish Government and other partners, and in the upcoming months we will be starting our preliminary surveys. With Thor, we have two projects off the Danish coast and this means that we are making a major contribution to Denmark's green energy transition."

Dan Jrgensen, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities in Denmark, said: "I'm delighted about this agreement with RWE and Thor Wind Farm I/S on the Thor Offshore Wind Farm, because it shows that Danish wind power is a good business on the world market. We built Denmark's first offshore wind farm 30 years ago because we had a vision and a belief in the potential of offshore wind power. Today, we can see that further deployment is not solely driven by political ambition but also, to an entirely new degree, by strong market forces. Wind power is not only good for the climate, it can also be really good business."

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