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   2022-01-28 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据油价网1月26日消息称,壳牌将关闭位于鹿特丹的 Pernis 炼油厂的一个关键加工装置,为欧洲最大炼油厂的季

据油价网1月26日消息称,壳牌将关闭位于鹿特丹的 Pernis 炼油厂的一个关键加工装置,为欧洲最大炼油厂的季节性维护做准备。







朱佳妮 摘译自 油价网


Shell To Reduce Output At Europe’s Biggest Oil Refinery

Shell will shut down a key processing unit at its Pernis refinery in Rotterdam as it prepares for seasonal maintenance at Europe’s biggest refinery.

Bloomberg reported, citing an unnamed source familiar with the supermajor’s plans, that the maintenance operations would involve two high-vacuum units that produce feedstock for the refinery units that make diesel and gasoline.

The maintenance operation, according to the report, could boost prices for gasoline and diesel in northwestern Europe at a time when they are already on the climb.

Pernis is the largest oil-processing facility, followed by BP’s Rotterdam refinery, and has the capacity to process 400,000 bpd of crude oil. This capacity is expected to remain reduced until June, according to a statement from Shell.

Shell last year announced that it would rename the refinery Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam and build the biggest biofuels facility in Europe there. The company said at the time that the new facility would have the capacity to produce renewable diesel from waste as well as sustainable aviation fuel.

The move was part of Shell’s renewables push that was significantly accelerated by a Dutch court ruling that ordered the supermajor to curb its emission footprint considerably over the next ten years.

As a result, Shell plans, among other things, to reduce the production of traditional fuels by as much as 55 percent by 2030 and boost production of biofuels. The Rotterdam production facility should become operational in 2024, the company said last September.

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