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   2022-01-26 互联网综合消息


“我们看到需求正非常接近疫情前的水平,”该公司首席执行官纳赛尔(Amin Nasser)周一在达兰(Dhahran)对记者表示。达兰是世界最大石油公司的总部所在地:“我们将继续看到未来的健康需求。”

随着冠状病毒大流行的蔓延,工厂关闭并引发大规模封锁,原油消费量从2020 年初的每天 1 亿桶左右暴跌。为富裕国家提供建议的国际能源署表示,截至 9 月,全球原油日产量已恢复至近9800万桶。





朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油


Saudi Aramco sees oil demand near pre-pandemic levels

Saudi Aramco said demand for oil is nearing pre-Covid levels and reiterated that producers globally are investing too little in supply.

“We are getting very close to pre-pandemic levels,” Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser told reporters on Monday in Dhahran, where the world’s biggest oil company is based. “We continue to see healthy demand in the future.”

Consumption of crude crashed from around 100 million barrels a day in early 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic spread, shutting down factories and triggering mass lockdowns. The International Energy Agency, which advises rich countries, said it was back to almost 98 million barrels daily as of September.

Oil prices have surged 13% this year to more than $85 a barrel as demand continues to recover and the omicron variant of the virus proves less damaging economically than many traders first feared. At the same time, spare supply capacity is dwindling as several major producers struggle to boost output.

There’s no sign yet that rising prices are causing consumers to cut back on oil, Nasser said.

He and Saudi Arabian officials have previously warned that crude could climb even more if Western governments and energy companies pull back from fossil fuels too quickly.

Persian Gulf countries are among the few still spending billions of dollars to increase their output. Saudi Arabia plans to raise its daily crude-production capacity to 13 million barrels from 12 million by 2027.

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