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阿联酋表示 单靠欧佩克不能解决全球石油供应问题

   2022-01-26 互联网综合消息


据阿联酋官方通讯社WAM报道,马兹鲁伊表示,石油行业需要通过国际石油公司的参与进行投资,以提供足够的供应。 他警告说,如果不能提供足够的资金,可能会导致未来价格的大幅上涨。 

1月19日,伦敦国际石油交易所布伦特原油价格升至7年来高点的每桶89美元上方,原因是全球需求从疫情中复苏,而供应受到一系列供应中断的限制。 消费者面临的挑战越来越大,因为他们正在与从燃料到食品价格的通胀作斗争。


国际能源署(IEA)公布的统计数据显示,欧佩克去年12月份仅增加了其同意增产的60%。 但由于2020年油价暴跌,以及投资者将资金从化石燃料转移,支出减少也成为了全球石油行业面临的一个严峻问题。


李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


UAE warns OPEC alone can’t solve global oil supply issues

OPEC and its allies are increasing oil production but can’t solve all the sector’s issues alone, the United Arab Emirates’ energy minister said.

The industry needs investment, through the involvement of international oil companies, in order to provide adequate supplies, Suhail Al-Mazrouei said, according to the UAE’s state-run WAM news agency. Failure to provide sufficient capital may lead to future price hikes, he warned.

Crude prices rallied to a seven-year high above $89 a barrel in London on Wednesday as global demand recovers from the pandemic and supplies are curtailed by a host of disruptions. It’s an increasing challenge for consumers as they grapple with inflation, from fuels to food prices.

A large contributor to the rally has been the failure of many OPEC+ nations to restore output halted during the pandemic, as they contend with depressed spending of their own. The group added only 60% of its mandated output boost last month, according to the International Energy Agency. But diminished spending has also been an issue for the global industry, as a result of the 2020 price collapse and as investors divert cash away from fossil fuels.

The UAE remains committed to increasing its output as part of the OPEC+ accord, Mazrouei said.

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