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   2022-01-26 互联网综合消息







王佳晶 摘译自 伍德麦肯兹


What are the key trends to watch in the metals and mining industry in 2022?

Last year presented a unique challenge to metals and mining players: how to make sense of disorientating price volatility and a dizzying array of market signals. We expect 2022 to provide some respite from the frenetic pace of 2021 – but of course things won't change overnight.

From an economic perspective, it looks set to be a year of narrowing extremes but widening uncertainty for the metals and mining sector. If last year was all about rebound, then 2022 could well be characterised by rebalance. Much of the evidence points to a year of lower demand growth. Look for stimulus to wane, fiscal and monetary policy to tighten, and supply chains to refill. In this environment, commodity prices could settle from the extraordinary highs of 2021.

metals and mining corporates: decisions, decarbonisation and discipline

For the diversified miners this will be a pivotal year. In the wake of COP26, mining companies are even more acutely aware of the outside perception of the sector, and the challenge that represents.

Yet the world needs mining companies to shift more material than ever before in 2022. Miners can unlock a faster decarbonisation pathway by accelerating production of the very building blocks of low-carbon technology. Will they position themselves as agents of change?

five things to look for in 2022 for our view on:

Decision time for coal assets

M&A – expect a measured approach

Miners look for new domains

Tightening decarbonisation targets, not budgets

Cost inflation and lower prices to limit dividend growth

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