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   2022-01-24 互联网综合消息

据海上工程师网2022年1月21日报道,在公司计划废除双重股权结构,并将公司总部从荷兰海牙迁至英国伦敦以后,荷兰皇家壳牌公司周五(1月21日)正式更改了其名称,放弃了自1907年以来一直是其身份一部分的“荷兰皇家”(Royal Dutch)几个字。 

壳牌公司在一份文件中表示,壳牌公司在去年12月20日宣布董事会决定将公司名称荷兰皇家壳牌公司更名为壳牌公司。 这一更名现已生效。 




壳牌公司与荷兰政府就荷兰对其部分股票征收15%的股息预扣税的问题进行了长期研判,这使得这些股票对国际投资者的吸引力降低。 在之前的一次公司改革之后,壳牌公司于2005年引入了双重股权结构。


李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


Royal Dutch No More: Shell Officially Changes Name

Shell officially changed its name on Friday, ditching "Royal Dutch", which has been part of its identity since 1907, following plans to scrap its dual share structure and move its head office from the Netherlands to Britain.

"Shell announced the Board's decision to change its name to Shell plc on December 20, 2021. This change has now taken effect," Shell said in a filing.

The London and Amsterdam stock exchanges will reflect the name change on Jan. 25 while the New York Stock Exchange will follow on Jan. 31.

The change will not affect share ownership and the A shares and B shares will remain unchanged for the time being, Shell said.

The shares are planned to be assimilated into a single line of ordinary shares on Jan. 29.

Shell announced in November it would scrap its dual share structure and move its head office to London from The Hague, pushed away by Dutch taxes and facing climate pressure in court as the energy giant shifts from oil and gas.

The firm has been in a long-running tussle with the Dutch authorities over the country's 15% dividend withholding tax on some of its shares, making them less attractive for international investors. Shell introduced the two-class share structure in 2005 after a previous corporate overhaul.

Shell held its first board meeting in London on Dec. 31.

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