科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-02-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据烃加工新闻2月16日消息称,贝克休斯最近在 2022 年埃及石油展 (EGYPS) 上与埃及通用石油公司 (EGPC) 签署

据烃加工新闻2月16日消息称,贝克休斯最近在 2022 年埃及石油展 (EGYPS) 上与埃及通用石油公司 (EGPC) 签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU),旨在建立和推动火炬回收计划,以支持埃及上游和下游石油和天然气业务。


通过部署贝克休斯的排放管理解决方案,EGPC 将致力于减少排放并提高其在全国范围内的石油和天然气业务的效率。这将包括减少燃烧和排放到环境中的气体量,使 EGPC 能够通过重新利用否则会浪费的气体来提高效率。


贝克休斯的排放管理解决方案将支持 EGPC 的脱碳战略,有助于实现雄心勃勃的碳减排目标,包括对居住在炼油厂附近地区的居民的生活质量产生积极影响。

埃及石油和矿产资源部长 HE Tarek El Molla 表示:“作为埃及可持续发展愿景的一部分,我们正在积极探索支持我们使用清洁能源和减少排放战略的机会,以加快我们实现净零排放的进程。” “我们为 EGPC 与贝克休斯合作部署可帮助我们管理和回收石油和天然气业务排放的技术感到自豪,这是推动埃及能源转型的关键支柱。”

贝克休斯董事长兼首席执行官洛伦佐·西蒙内利 (Lorenzo Simonelli) 表示:“凭借 100 多年的历史,贝克休斯很自豪能够继续与埃及建立合作伙伴关系并转变核心石油和天然气业务。” “我们致力于到 2050 年实现净零排放,我们的排放管理解决方案帮助我们的客户实现类似的目标,并可以直接使埃及的可持续发展愿景受益。我们期待在埃及举办 COP27,我们将继续支持该国的气候变化议程,以及更广泛的地区向对其人民和经济至关重要的新的可持续能源的公正过渡。”

随着埃及准备在 2022 年 11 月主办 COP27,石油和矿产资源部旨在在峰会期间展示该项目的数据和调查结果,以展示石油和天然气部门在推动该国脱碳计划中的作用。

曹海斌 摘译自 烃加工新闻


Baker Hughes collaborates with Egyptian General Petroleum Corp.

Baker Hughes recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the 2022 Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS) with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. (EGPC) that aims to establish and drive a flare recovery initiative to support emissions recovery and reduction across Egypt’s upstream and downstream oil and gas operations.

To enable flare recovery from oil and gas sites across Egypt, Baker Hughes will leverage its portfolio of emissions management solutions including flare management technology, compression, gas turbines, and integrated processing systems that can help in the measurement, management, recovery, and utilisation of flare gas.

Through the deployment of Baker Hughes’ emissions management solutions, EGPC will aim to reduce emissions and improve the efficiency of its oil and gas operations across the country. This will include reducing the amount of gas flared and vented into the environment, enabling EGPC to drive more efficiency by reutilising the gas that would otherwise go to waste.

In addition, and in support of the Ministry’s Modernization Program, Baker Hughes solutions, including flare.IQ, will contribute to digitalising emissions management infrastructure by enabling EGPC to pull critical information about its flare systems to calculate optimum levels of flare efficiency and help reduce methane emissions.

Baker Hughes’ emissions management solutions will support EGPC’s decarbonisation strategy, contributing to helping achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets, including positively impacting the quality of life for residents living in areas neighboring refineries.

“As part of Egypt’s sustainable development vision, we are actively exploring opportunities that support our strategy of using clean energy and reducing emissions to accelerate our journey towards net-zero,” said HE Tarek El Molla, Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. “We are proud of EGPC’s collaboration with Baker Hughes to deploy technologies that can help us manage and recover emissions across oil and gas operations, which is a key pillar in driving the energy transition in Egypt.”

“With a history stretching more than 100 years, Baker Hughes is proud to continue its partnership with Egypt and transform core oil and gas operations,” said Lorenzo Simonelli, Chairman and CEO of Baker Hughes. “We are committed to reaching net-zero by 2050, and our emissions management solutions help our customers reach similar goals and can directly benefit Egypt’s sustainable development vision. We look forward to COP27 being hosted in Egypt, where we will continue to support the country’s climate change agenda, as well as the broader region’s just transition to new and sustainable sources of energy which are vital for its people and economy.”

As Egypt prepares to host COP27 in November 2022, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources aims to showcase data and findings from this project during the summit to demonstrate the role of the oil and gas sector in driving the country’s decarbonisation initiatives.

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