科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
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   2022-02-17 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据OE网站2月15日报道, 瑞典周二公布了建造海上风力发电厂的计划,每年的发电量将达到20-30太瓦时(TWh),目

据OE网站2月15日报道, 瑞典周二公布了建造海上风力发电厂的计划,每年的发电量将达到20-30太瓦时(TWh),目标是在后期达到120太瓦时。


能源部长Khashayar Farmanbar在一份声明中称,这样我们就能确保电力供应,实现(能源)转型,并确保长期良好的电价。


气候部长Annika Strandhaell表示,海上风电的需求很大。我们现在正在通过指出一些适合远海的地区来加速海上风电的扩建。同时,我们指导瑞典能源署提出更多的区域。

郝芬 译自 OE


Sweden Accelerating Offshore Wind Plans

Sweden presented plans on Tuesday to build offshore wind power plants that will generate 20-30 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year, with an aim to reach 120 TWh at a later stage.

The areas are located in the waters both east and west of Sweden, the Nordic country's government said.

"This way we secure the electricity supply, enable the (energy) transition and secure good electricity prices in the long term," Energy Minister Khashayar Farmanbar said in a statement.

Sweden currently consumes about 140 TWh per year, and power consumption is expected to rise considerably in the coming years as the country's industries and transport sector are phasing out fossil fuels, the government said.

Offshore wind power is in high demand, Climate Minister Annika Strandhaell said.

"We are now accelerating the expansion of offshore wind power by pointing out a number of suitable areas far out to sea. At the same time, we instruct the Swedish Energy Agency to propose even more areas," she said.

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