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   2022-02-23 互联网综合消息


一位欧佩克+联盟消息人士周一对路透社表示,欧佩克+联盟成员国1月份减产协议履行率为129%。 这一数字高于去年12月份的122%和11月份的117%。 




据国际能源署(IEA) 2月份石油市场月度报告估计,1月份欧佩克+联盟产量与其目标水平之间的差距高达90万桶/天。

“如果欧佩克+联盟的产量与其目标水平之间的缺口持续存在,供应紧张将会加剧,增加更大的波动性和价格上行压力。 但如果中东地区产能过剩的产油国能够弥补产能枯竭带来的损失,这些具有广泛经济影响的风险可能会降低。”  



李峻 编译自 美国油价网


OPEC+ Underproduction Is Pushing Oil Prices Higher

The compliance of OPEC+ producers with their output cut surged in January, suggesting that the gap between nominal monthly output quotas and actual supply to the market continued to widen.

OPEC+ members complied with a massive 129 percent of the production cuts last month, an OPEC+ source told Reuters on Monday. That’s up from 122 percent compliance in December and a compliance rate of 117 percent in November.

In January 2021, OPEC producers’ compliance jumped to 133 percent, while the non-OPEC members of the OPEC+ pact had their overall compliance rate at 123 percent, the source told Reuters.

As oil prices rally in a tight market with a geopolitical risk premium, the widening gap between what OPEC+ has to produce on paper and the reality of oil output is pushing prices higher.

For half a year now, OPEC+ has actually added lower volumes to the market each month than the 400,000 bpd nominal monthly increase announced in each of the OPEC+ meetings since August 2021.

Estimates in the International Energy Agency’s monthly oil market report for February showed that the gap between OPEC+ production and its target levels surged to as much as 900,000 bpd in January.

“If the persistent gap between OPEC+ output and its target levels continues, supply tensions will rise, increasing the likelihood of more volatility and upward pressure on prices. But these risks, which have broad economic implications, could be reduced if producers in the Middle East with spare capacity were to compensate for those running out,” the IEA said.

Last week, the IEA’s executive director Fatih Birol urged OPEC+ twice in one week to narrow the widening gap between its production quotas and the much lower actual supply to the market.

On Sunday, the energy ministers of the biggest oil producers in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and the UAE, said that OPEC+ should stick to the plan to raise production by 400,000 bpd each month despite calls to boost supply more to cool oil prices.

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