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   2022-02-24 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据CNBC网站2月22日消息 空客公司(Airbus)表示,计划在本世纪中叶之前在改装的A380飞机上测试氢动力发动机

据CNBC网站2月22日消息 空客公司(Airbus)表示,计划在本世纪中叶之前在改装的A380飞机上测试氢动力发动机,以期为商业航空旅行带来低排放燃料。

这家欧洲飞机巨头周二表示,其正在与发动机制造商CFM International(通用电气航空子公司和法国赛峰集团的合资企业)合作研制试验飞机,该试验飞机将包括一种已在使用的发动机的改进版本,该发动机将必须处理氢气燃烧的更高温度。空客公司表示,试飞将于2026年开始。



航空咨询公司Aerodynamic Advisory董事总经理理查德·阿布拉菲亚表示,使用氢燃料的一大挑战是,储存氢燃料需要额外的设备,以增加飞机的重量,减少飞机可以运载的人数或货物量。



吴恒磊 编译自 CNBC


Airbus plans to test hydrogen engine on A380 jumbo jet to fly in 2026

Airbus said it plans to test a hydrogen-powered engine on a modified A380 by the middle of the decade, in hopes of bringing lower-emission fuels to commercial air travel.

The European aircraft giant said Tuesday that it’s working with engine maker CFM International — a joint venture of General Electric’s aviation arm and France’s Safran — on the test plane, which will include a modified version of an engine already in use that will have to handle higher temperatures at which hydrogen burns. Test flights could begin 2026, Airbus said.

Aircraft manufacturers and airlines are scrambling to slash their carbon emissions, which account for more than 2% of the world’s total. Airbus has aggressively pursued hydrogen and said it is working on a passenger aircraft powered by the fuel that it expects will enter service in 2035.

Rival Boeing has focused on more sustainable aviation fuels, which currently make up less than 1% of the jet fuel supply and are more expensive than conventional jet fuel. CEO Dave Calhoun said at an investor conference last June that he didn’t expect a hydrogen-powered plane on “the scale of airplanes that we’re referring to” before 2050.

One big challenge in using hydrogen fuel is that storing it would require additional equipment that adds weight to the aircraft, reducing the number of people or amount of cargo that a plane could carry, said Richard Aboulafia, managing director at Aerodynamic Advisory, an aviation consulting firm.

“Hydrogen is what happens when engineers and economists don’t talk to each other,” he said.

Airbus said it selected its A380, the world’s largest passenger plane, because it had room to store the liquid hydrogen tanks and other equipment.

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