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   2022-02-24 互联网综合消息


赫歇尔是计划于2022年在全球交付的四个主要项目中的第一个。赫歇尔扩建项目的第一阶段包括一个新的海底生产系统的开发,以及与Na Kika平台相连的三口井中的第一口。在其高峰期,第一口井预计将使平台的年总产量增加1.06万桶/天。

bp运营的井钻深度约为 19000 英尺,位于 Na Kika 平台东南部,距离新奥尔良海岸约 140 英里。该项目为未来的油井连接提供了基础设施。英国石油和壳牌各持有赫歇尔开发项目50%的开采权益。

bp负责墨西哥湾和加拿大业务的高级副总裁Starlee Sykes表示:“BP通过将高质量的项目上线,继续扩大其在墨西哥湾的地位。就像最近在墨西哥湾的其他初创企业一样,我们与赫歇尔公司一起,利用现有的基础设施来生产世界上最高效的一些石油。bp的战略核心是将我们的油气业务集中在这些高质量的资源上。安全地、提前完成任务并在预算范围内完成任务,是对团队能力的证明。”

bp负责项目、生产和运营的高级副总裁Ewan Drummond表示:“赫歇尔是我们继续提供快速回报、高回报回接机会的一个很好的例子,我们专注于高质量的碳氢化合物投资组合。我要感谢这个团队,感谢他们在安全和早期执行这个项目方面的承诺。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


BP starts up Herschel Expansion in Gulf of Mexico

BP has started up the Herschel Expansion project in the Gulf of Mexico.

Herschel is the first of four major projects scheduled to be delivered globally in 2022. Phase 1 of the Herschel Expansion project comprises development of a new subsea production system and the first of up to three wells tied to the Na Kika platform. At its peak, this first well is expected to increase platform annual gross production by an estimated 10 600 boe/d.

The BP-operated well, drilled to a depth of approximately 19 000 ft, is located southeast of the Na Kika platform, approximately 140 miles off the coast of New Orleans. The project provides infrastructure for future well tie-in opportunities. BP and Shell each hold a 50% working interest in the Herschel development.

Starlee Sykes, BP senior vice president Gulf of Mexico and Canada said: “BP continues to grow its position in the Gulf of Mexico by bringing online high-quality projects. Like other recent start-ups in the Gulf of Mexico, with Herschel we are tying into existing infrastructure to produce some of the most efficient barrels in the world. Focusing our hydrocarbons business on the highest quality resources such as these sits at the heart of BP’s strategy. Doing so safely, ahead of schedule and under budget is testament to the caliber of the team.”

Ewan Drummond, BP senior vice president, projects, production and operations said: “Herschel is a great example of the type of fast-payback, high-return tie-back opportunities we continue to deliver as we focus and high-grade our hydrocarbons portfolio. I would like to thank the team for their commitment in the safe and early execution of this project.”

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