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   2022-03-03 互联网综合消息





与此同时,霍尼韦尔通过“Powered by Thermal IQ”平台继续引领热能行业的数字化。Thermal IQ将与有强大分析功能的热资产连接起来,以创建一个企业范围的数字热力生态系统。客户可以轻松地实时测量热系统的性能,并在混合燃料(如氢)时估计成本节省和排放水平。



霍尼韦尔热力解决方案公司副总裁兼总经理查德·布里格斯(Chad Briggs)表示,大多数公司都知道他们迫切需要减少碳排放,但不确定从哪里开始。

这就是我们可以提供帮助的地方。 通过我们的氢能和定制解决方案、应用服务和主题专业知识的广度和深度,我们可以让客户走上正确的道路,以实现他们的碳减排承诺和目标。

郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Honeywell unveils solutions to use hydrogen as fuel

Honeywell has announced a portfolio of solutions and services to help end users harness hydrogen as an alternative fuel in industrial and commercial thermal processes to reduce their carbon footprints.

Honeywell’s end-to-end offering comes at a time when many organizations around the globe are seeking to enact or tighten programs that decrease their greenhouse gas emissions. Converting to hydrogen-based fuels for process heating can help users meet both industry and self-imposed carbon reduction goals and avoid costly penalties.

The most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen, offers potential to reduce global emissions. When produced using renewable energy, hydrogen emits no greenhouse gases, giving it a central role to play in future clean energy networks. Furthermore, hydrogen’s ubiquity in industrial processes and its suitability as a fuel for a wide range of applications makes it ideal for widespread adoption.

Honeywell has developed and tested a large portfolio of hydrogen fired industrial burners, ready to provide clean heat in many thermal appliances. Likewise, our burner management and control systems, pressure regulators and safety shut-off valves have been evaluated and assessed on hydrogen, and are ready to safely start, stop and control hydrogen fired appliances.

Meanwhile, Honeywell continues to lead the digitalization of the thermal industry with the “Powered by Thermal IQ” platform. Thermal IQ connects thermal assets with powerful analytics to create an enterprise-wide digital thermal ecosystem. Customers can easily measure thermal system performance in real time and estimate cost savings as well as emission levels when blending fuels such as hydrogen.

Honeywell also offers complete, custom-engineered systems that harness decades of know-how and experience gleaned from hydrogen projects and application tests. Furthermore, the company’s global team of experts – fortified by insights and learnings from Honeywell labs around the world – stand ready to answer customers’ hydrogen questions and help them with their unique process requirements.

Hydrogen poses unique challenges compared to natural gas, including its wider flammability limits and its lower spark energy for ignition. With its broad offering of burners, valves, controls, software, and services, combined with our engineering expertise and laboratory capabilities, Honeywell Thermal Solutions is able to deliver innovative complete and safe solutions for hydrogen for the process heating market, a company statement said.

“Most companies know they need to reduce their carbon emissions imminently but aren’t sure where to start,” said Chad Briggs, Vice President and General Manager, Honeywell Thermal Solutions.

“That’s where we can help. Through the breadth and depth of our hydrogen capable and customized solutions, application services, and subject matter expertise, we can get customers on the right path to achieving their carbon reduction commitments and ambitions.”

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