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   2022-03-04 互联网综合消息


路透社援引埃克森美孚公司高级副总裁Neil Chapman在与分析师讨论公司年度计划时的讲话报道说,“很明显,我们的目标是填满这些出口船。”他拒绝就何时达到最大产能发表评论。  

埃克森美孚公司是占地660万英亩的斯塔布鲁克区块的运营商,拥有45%的权益。美国赫斯公司持有30%的股份。 自2015年以来,合资企业在斯塔布鲁克发现了超过100亿桶石油储量。  

2019年12月,丽莎- 1期开发项目开始投产,2期开发项目今年2月刚刚投产。帕拉亚油田的第三个开发项目已经获得批准,埃克森美孚公司正在等待圭亚那当局批准其在Yellowtail油田的第四开发个项目。埃克森美孚公司表示,第五个开发项目将针对Urau油田。 


李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Exxon confirms 1.2 million barrels per day capacity for Guyana by 2027

U.S. oil major ExxonMobil confirmed on Wednesday that a major ramp up offshore Guyana will see the company having the capacity to produce as much as 1.2 million barrels of oil per day by 2027.

“Clearly our objective is to fill up those boats,” Reuters quoted senior vice president Neil Chapman as saying during a call with analysts to discuss the company’s annual plans. He declined to comment on when maximum capacity will be reached.

Exxon is operator at the massive 6.6 million acres Stabroek Block with a 45 percent interest. Hess holds 30 percent interest. The co-venturers have found over 10 billion barrels of oil at Stabroek since 2015.

Oil production started in December 2019 at the Liza Phase 1 Development and Phase 2 came online just last month. A third project at Payara is already approved and Exxon is awaiting the greenlight from Guyanese authorities for a fourth at Yellowtail. The company has said a fifth development is being targeted at Urau.

According to the Reuters report, Exxon said on Wednesday it can drill in Guyana around ten new exploration wells in 2022, and another ten next year.

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