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   2022-03-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据俄罗斯油气网2月25日消息称,埃克森美孚的子公司 Esso PNG P'nyang Limited、Ampolex Limited 和巴布

据俄罗斯油气网2月25日消息称,克森美孚的子公司 Esso PNG P'nyang Limited、Ampolex Limited 和巴布亚新几内亚独立国已签署P'nyang项目天然气协议,以开发拟议中的P'nyang LNG 项目。

P'nyang 油田位于Petroleum Retention License 3,占地425平方公里。Esso PNG P'nyang Limited 经营该许可证,并与Ampolex(巴布亚新几内亚)有限公司共同拥有49%的权益。桑托斯和JX Nippon的子公司分别拥有38.5%和12.5%的权益。

埃克森美孚运营的 P'nyang 项目将把西部省的新上游设施与现有基础设施连接起来。根据 P'nyang 项目合作者的最终投资决定,埃克森美孚运营的 P'nyang 项目将通过在西部省建造与现有基础设施相连的新上游设施来提供液化天然气。

在巴布亚液化天然气项目之后,P'nyang项目将提供大约4年的额外建设活动,并为该国和参与省份带来经济效益。完成后,P'nyang 将向西部省或其他商定地点提供多达 5% 的天然气,以支持政府的电气化工作。

曹海斌 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


ExxonMobil signed agreement with Papua New Guinea for development of the P’nyang project

ExxonMobil´s subsidiary Esso PNG P’nyang Limited, Ampolex Limited and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea have signed the P’nyang project gas agreement for the proposed development of the P’nyang LNG project.

The P’nyang field is located within Petroleum Retention License 3, which covers 425 sq.km. Esso PNG P’nyang Limited operates the license and, together with Ampolex (Papua New Guinea) Limited, has a 49 % interest. Affiliates of Santos and JX Nippon have a 38.5 % interest and 12.5 % interest respectively.

ExxonMobil-operated P’nyang project would link new upstream facilities in Western Province to existing infrastructure. Subject to a final investment decision by the P’nyang project co-venturers, the ExxonMobil-operated P’nyang project would deliver LNG by constructing new upstream facilities in Western Province linked to existing infrastructure.

The P’nyang project would provide about 4 years of additional construction activity after Papua LNG and drive economic benefits for the country and participating provinces. Upon completion, P’nyang would make available up to 5% of gas produced to Western Province or another agreed location to support the government’s electrification efforts.

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