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   2022-03-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据2月28日offshore energy消息:北欧氢能伙伴关系(NHP)已获得北欧创新公司的资助,扩大其在北欧国家的氢合

据2月28日offshore energy消息:北欧氢能伙伴关系(NHP)已获得北欧创新公司的资助,扩大其在北欧国家的氢合作项目。

北欧创新公司已向北欧氢能伙伴关系提供资金,通过Next Wave项目继续推动重型氢运输和基础设施的部署。

NHP的商业风险投资Next Wave的目标是刺激北欧地区的氢技术公司。




“能够提供更灵活的氢解决方案是我们真正期待的事情。我们相信,它将降低一些客户过渡到氢燃料时的障碍,Next Wave II使我们向北欧地区的脱碳又迈出了一步。”Everfuel首席执行官Jacob Krogsgaard说。

北欧创新公司的Nina Egeli说:“我们希望看到Next Wave II取得成功,因此决定继续支持该项目。”



冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


Nordic Hydrogen Partnership gets Nordic Innovation

The Nordic Hydrogen Partnership (NHP) has been granted financing by Nordic Innovation, extending its hydrogen collaboration project in the Nordic countries.

Nordic Innovation has granted Nordic Hydrogen Partnership funding to continue to push the deployment of heavy-duty hydrogen transport and infrastructure through the Next Wave project.

The goal of NHP’s business venture Next Wave is to stimulate the hydrogen tech companies in the Nordic region.

The Norwegian Hydrogen Forum, Hydrogen Sweden, Hydrogen Denmark, Icelandic New Energy, VTT Tech. Research Finland, and Kunnskapsbyen Centre of Innovation, will be partnering up with Everfuel in this second phase of the project.

During phase one, they have gained an updated insight on the Nordic hydrogen activities and development. The second phase will address further education/influence of the Nordic premise setters.

Everfuel will join the project partnership and take the lead in developing a mobile hydrogen refueling station (HRS).

“Being able to offer a more flexible hydrogen solution is something we truly look forward to. We believe that it will lower the barrier for some customers when transitioning to hydrogen…Next Wave II (…) enables us to take yet another step towards a decarbonised Nordic Region,”  said Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO at Everfuel.

“We want to see Next Wave II succeed and have therefore decided to continue our support of the project,”  said Nina Egeli from Nordic Innovation.

By involving industry players, the new project aims at realising ambitions that are highly relevant to the overall Nordic vision; becoming the worlds’ most integrated and sustainable region by 2030.

Nordic Innovation is an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. It works to promote sustainable growth, entrepreneurship, innovation, and competitiveness in Nordic business.

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