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   2022-02-28 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据世界石油2月25日报道,根据页岩巨头EOG Resources Inc.的数据显示,通货膨胀和对最先进钻井设备的激烈竞

据世界石油2月25日报道,根据页岩巨头EOG Resources Inc.的数据显示,通货膨胀和对最先进钻井设备的激烈竞争将阻碍美国今年的石油供应增加。

该公司首席执行官埃兹拉·亚科布(Ezra Yacob)周五在与分析师的电话会议上表示,“通胀和供应链压力”将把产量增长限制在预期的低端。主要预测机构最近将2022年美国石油产量增长预测提高至75万桶-100万桶/天。

首席运营官Billy Helms表示,大多数最好的钻机和水力压裂设备都已经在租赁中,“市场上没有多少新设备可以投入市场。”

在先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer Natural Resources Co.)和大陆资源公司(Continental Resources Inc.)做出类似表述后,第二大页岩勘探公司EOG计划今年将产量增长限制在3.6%。IHS Markit Ltd.称,EOG等所谓的独立钻探公司占美国大陆陆上产量的55%左右。

郝芬 译自 世界石油


U.S. shale growth faces headwinds on costs and equipment

Inflation and brisk competition for the most-sophisticated drilling gear will hinder U.S. oil-supply expansion this year, according to shale giant EOG Resources Inc. 

“Inflationary and supply chain pressures” will limit production growth to the lower end of estimates, Chief Executive Officer Ezra Yacob said during a conference call with analysts on Friday. Major forecasters recently boosted estimates for 2022 U.S. oil-production growth to 750,000 and 1 million barrels per day. 

Most of the best drilling rigs and fracking fleets already are under lease, Chief Operating Officer Billy Helms said: “There are not a lot of new pieces of equipment that can come into the market.”

EOG, the second-largest shale-focused explorer, plans to cap output growth to 3.6% this year, following similar pledges from Pioneer Natural Resources Co. and Continental Resources Inc. So-called independent drillers like EOG comprise about 55% of onshore production in the continental U.S., according to IHS Markit Ltd. 

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