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   2022-02-28 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据天然气加工新闻网2022年2月24日报道,美国最大的液化天然气(LNG)出口公司钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Ene

据天然气加工新闻网2022年2月24日报道,美国最大的液化天然气(LNG)出口公司钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy)表示,高油价和“极度动荡的”全球市场正在推动签更多的长期LNG供应合同。  


早在之前,全球LNG的需求就已飙升,去年年底,由于供应短缺以及人们从污染更严重的燃料转向天然气,LNG价格已升至创纪录高位。 LNG供应商依靠长期供应合同为新的LNG厂提供资金。  

钱尼尔能源公司首席执行官Jack Fusco说:“全球强劲的LNG需求可能使钱尼尔能源公司在近期内对其在得克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂工厂的产能进行大规模扩张。” 这一扩张将增加1000万吨/年的燃料产能。


钱尼尔能源公司2月24日将盈利预期上调了大约20%,原因是利润率上升,并预计新增产能将带来销量增长。 由于前景乐观,钱尼尔能源公司股价午盘上涨6.8%,至每股127.02美元。  




钱尼尔能源公司表示,去年第4季度,该公司出口了创纪录的153船LNG货物,而2020年第4季度为130船。去年 全年出口566船货物,比2020年增长45%。  

李峻 编译自 天然气加工新闻网


Cherniere expects more long-term LNG supply deals

Cheniere Energy said high prices and an "extremely volatile" global market are driving more long-term supply contracts. 

The situation of Russia and Ukraine sent European gas prices up 40% on Thursday, a signal that LNG will remain a critical part of Europe's energy mix, said Chief Commercial Officer, Anatol Feygin. 

Even before the this, LNG demand had soared, sending prices late last year to record highs on supply shortages and a shift to gas from more polluting fuels. LNG suppliers rely on long-term contracts to finance new plants.

"Strong demand could allow the company to make a FID—in the near term—on a major expansion at its Corpus Christi, Texas plant," said Chief Executive Jack Fusco. That expansion would add 10 MMtpy of fuel capacity.

"More than 200 MMt of contracted LNG volumes will expire over the next decade, with about 100 MMt of LNG contracts needing to be replaced between 2026 and 2030," Feygin said. "Two-thirds of contracts signed by Cheniere last year were with Asian buyers."

Cheniere on Thursday raised its earnings outlook by about 20% on stronger margins and expected volume gains from new capacity. Its shares rose 6.8% to $127.02 in mid-day trading on the optimistic outlook. 

Cheniere forecast an adjusted profit for this year of as much as $7.5 B, up from an earlier outlook for up to $6.3 B. It expects an up to $1.2 B increase in distributable cash flow, the company said.

The outlook was well above Wall Street estimates for adjusted 2022 earnings of $6.4 B, sending Cheniere's shares up more than 6% to $126.50 in pre-market trading. 

For the quarter ended Dec. 31, the company's loss attributable to shareholders widened to $1.3 B from $194 MM in the same quarter a year ago. 

Cheniere said it exported a record 153 LNG cargoes during 4Q, compared to 130 in 4Q of 2020. For its full year, it exported 566 cargoes, up 45% from 2020.

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