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   2022-02-28 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据世界石油网2月25日消息 埃克森美孚公司就扩建怀俄明州拉巴奇的碳捕获设施达成了最终投资决定,该项目预计

据世界石油网2月25日消息 埃克森美孚公司就扩建怀俄明州拉巴奇的碳捕获设施达成了最终投资决定,该项目预计将于2025年启动,耗资4亿美元。


埃克森美孚在2020年疫情时推迟了该项目,这意味着该项目的启动将比之前提出的时间晚两年左右。这家石油巨头正感受到投资者对其采取更多措施来减少碳足迹的热情。去年,该公司董事会四分之一的席位被Engine No. 1发起的一场活动所夺走。



吴恒磊 编译自 世界石油


Exxon to build $400 million Wyoming carbon-capture project after delay

(Bloomberg) — Exxon Mobil Corp. reached a final investment decision on expanding a carbon capture facility at LaBarge in Wyoming with the $400 million project expected to start up by 2025. 

The project will capture as much as 1.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, an increase of around 20% over current levels, the Irving, Texas-based company said in a statement. 

Exxon delayed the project when the pandemic hit in 2020, meaning start-up will be about two years behind the previously proposed timeline. The oil giant is feeling the heat from investors to do more to reduce its carbon footprint after losing a quarter of its board to an activist campaign run by Engine No. 1 last year. 

LaBarge has long produced natural gas and helium, but large quantities of carbon dioxide are also pumped out of its wells as a byproduct. Exxon currently captures as much as 7 million tons a year of CO2 at the location, making it one of the biggest carbon capture facilities in the world. Much of that is sold to energy companies operating nearby for enhanced oil recovery, a technique where the CO2 is injected into oil and gas wells to improve production.

The project will help Exxon reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its operated upstream assets by 3%, the company said.

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