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   2022-03-09 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据天然气加工网站3月7日消息 全球风投液化天然气公司宣布与壳牌签署一项新的20年期购销协议,从全球风投的

据天然气加工网站3月7日消息 全球风投液化天然气公司宣布与壳牌签署一项新的20年期购销协议,从全球风投的普拉克明液化天然气出口设施供应200万吨/年的液化天然气。这项新协议建立在壳牌现有的Calcasieu Pass液化天然气出口终端200万吨/年合同的基础上,使壳牌从全球风投设施的长期总承购量达到400万吨/年。

全球风投首席执行官迈克·萨贝尔表示:“作为我们在Calcasieu Pass的第一个基础客户,壳牌选择了在普拉克明建立第二个合作伙伴关系,扩大与我们公司的现有合作。全球风投致力于将低成本的美国液化天然气快速上线,帮助保持全球市场的良好供应,同时满足客户不断增长的能源和气候目标。我们期待着与壳牌合作多年,将低成本、清洁的美国液化天然气带到最需要的市场。”

全球风投目前保持着使用Calcasieu Pass建造大型绿地液化天然气设施速度最快的全球记录,并正在普拉克明液化天然气公司积极施工,预计将于2024年上线。

王磊 编译自 天然气加工


Venture Global expands LNG partnership with Shell

Venture Global LNG announced the execution of a new long-term 20-year Sales and Purchase Agreement with Shell for the supply of 2 MMtpy of LNG from Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG export facility. This new deal builds on Shell’s existing contract for 2 MMtpy from the Calcasieu Pass LNG export terminal, bringing Shell’s total long-term offtake from Venture Global’s facilities to 4 MMtpy. 

“Venture Global is honored that Shell, our first foundational customer at Calcasieu Pass, has chosen to expand its existing cooperation with our company with a second partnership at Plaquemines,” said Venture Global CEO Mike Sabel. “Venture Global is committed to bringing low-cost U.S. LNG online quickly, helping to keep the global market well supplied, while meeting our customers’ growing energy and climate goals. We look forward to working with Shell for many years to bring low-cost, clean American LNG to the markets that need it most.” 

Venture Global now holds the global record for the fastest construction of a large-scale greenfield LNG facility with Calcasieu Pass and is actively under construction at Plaquemines LNG, which is expected to come online in 2024.

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