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   2022-03-09 互联网综合消息



IOG还表示,启动前的安全审查和操作演练已经结束。这使得该公司及其管道和平台运营商ODE Asset Management和Bacton终端运营商Perenco UK完全满意于2021年3月4日开始返输处理。


IOG首席执行官Andrew Hockey表示:“我很高兴地说,陆上土星银行接收设施(SBRF)现在已经完全投入使用,管道返输工作已于今天开始。”

“这是我们预计在大约一周内获得第一批天然气的最后一步。我要感谢终端运营商 Perenco,他们非常努力地确保陆上设施安全并为 IOG 的首次生产做好准备。”他补充道。

IOG 运营的土星银行项目第一期于2019年10月获得批准。该油田包括英国北海南部的Blythe、Elgood和Southwark油田。IOG持有该项目50%的股份,其合作伙伴CalEnergy Resources持有剩余50%的股份。

朱佳妮 摘译自 钻机地带


IOG North Sea Fields Ready For Start-Up

UK oil and gas firm IOG has completed work on onshore reception facilities for its Saturn Banks project development.

This is the final step to first gas from its Southern North Sea gas fields. Namely, IOG said that all construction, commissioning and function testing activities at the Saturn Banks Reception Facilities (SBRF) were completed and fully signed off. The company also confirmed that the required UK Health and Safety Executive clarifications had been addressed.

IOG also said that the pre-start-up safety review and operations walk-down have been concluded. This enabled the company, its pipeline, and platform operator ODE Asset Management, and Bacton terminal operator Perenco UK to be fully satisfied to begin the backgassing process on March 4, 2021.

“Backgassing involves a reverse flow of gas from the terminal to pressurize the pipeline system up to the safe operating window for start-up, with final function tests of equipment and safety systems before forward flow can begin. Subject to weather and logistics, the backgassing and well start-up sequence is likely to take approximately one week, with first IOG sales gas to be received onshore rapidly thereafter,” the company explained.

“I’m very pleased to say that the onshore Saturn Banks Reception Facilities (SBRF) have now been fully commissioned and pipeline backgassing has started today,” Andrew Hockey, CEO of IOG, stated.

“This is the final step to first gas which we expect in approximately one week. My thanks go to terminal operator Perenco who have worked very hard to ensure the onshore facilities are safe and ready for IOG’s first production,” he added.

The IOG-operated Saturn Banks Project – Phase 1 was sanctioned in October 2019. It consists of Blythe, Elgood, and Southwark fields in the UK Southern North Sea. IOG holds a 50 percent stake in this project and its partner CalEnergy Resources holds the remaining 50 percent.

The project is looking for a gross peak production rate of 140 mmscf/d – 24,000 Boe/d – from gross 2P gas reserves of 302 Bcfe and management estimated 2C gas contingent resources of 132 Bcfe.

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