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   2022-03-07 互联网综合消息
核心提示:• 沙特阿美把其交付给亚洲客户的阿拉伯轻质原油的官方价格(OSP)比阿曼/迪拜原油溢价每桶提高4.95美元。

• 沙特阿美把其交付给亚洲客户的阿拉伯轻质原油的官方价格(OSP)比阿曼/迪拜原油溢价每桶提高4.95美元。  

• 这是阿拉伯轻质原油有史以来最大的价差,也是世界最大原油出口国的大胆举措。  

• 沙特阿美还提高其出口欧洲和美国的阿拉伯轻质原油的OSP。  

据美国油价网3月4日报道,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美/Saudi Aramco)3月4日在利雅得表示,沙特阿美已将其旗舰级原油阿拉伯轻质原油在亚洲的OSP比阿曼/迪拜原油溢价每桶提高4.95美元。阿曼/迪拜原油是中东产油国为供应亚洲的原油定价的基础。  




价格上涨并不令人意外。 布伦特原油价格仅在上周每桶就上涨17美元,亚洲石油市场供应异常紧张,因为亚洲的买家越来越多地从中东购买石油。 


沙特阿拉伯不仅仅上调阿拉伯轻质原油的OSP。 4月份,沙特阿拉伯所有运往亚洲的沙特原油等级的OSP都将上调,同时所有运往美国和欧洲的沙特原油等级的OSP也将上调。  

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Saudi Arabia Significantly Raises Crude Prices To Key Market Asia

·     Saudi Aramco raised prices for its Arab Light crude for delivery to Asia to $4.95 per barrel over the price of Oman/Dubai crude.

·     It is the largest differential for Arab Light ever and a daring move for the world’s largest crude oil exporter.

·     Aramco also raised the OSP of Arab Light to Europe and the United States.

Saudi Aramco has lifted its price to Asia for its flagship crude oil grade, Arab Light, to $4.95 a barrel premium over Oman/Dubai crude, off which Middle Eastern producers price their oil going to Asia, the oil company said on Friday.

It is the largest differential for Arab Light ever and a daring move for the world’s largest crude oil exporter.

The increase in price for Arab Light to Asia next month is a staggering $2.15 per barrel.

Aramco also raised the OSP of Arab Light to Europe and the United States, at premiums to $1.60 per barrel to ICE Brent, and $3.45 over the Argus Sour Crude Index, respectively.

The price increase comes as no surprise. Brent crude prices have increased $17 a barrel in the last week alone, and the Asian oil market has grown exceptionally tight as buyers there look for more and more oil from the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia typically sets the pricing trends for the other Middle Eastern oil producers and is seen as a bellwether for which way the market is heading, and is interpreted as a signal that Saudi Arabia believes oil demand will remain strong, and will continue to tighten.

Saudi Arabia has increased more than just Arab Light. The price for all Saudi crude grades to Asia will increase for April, as well as all Saudi crude grades to the United States and Europe.

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