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ACWA Power获得沙特阿拉伯太阳能项目

   2022-03-14 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据能源全球3月11日消息称,一家发电、淡化水和绿色氢工厂的开发商、投资者和运营商 ACWA Power 与主要买家

据能源全球3月11日消息称,一家发电、淡化水和绿色氢工厂的开发商、投资者和运营商 ACWA Power 与主要买家沙特电力采购公司 (SPPC) 签署了一份电力购买协议 (PPA),在沙特阿拉伯阿尔卡西姆省的阿尔拉斯开发一个700兆瓦的太阳能光伏(PV)独立发电厂(IPP)。该协议是在沙特能源部长萨勒曼亲王殿下的见证下签署的。

根据协议条款,ACWA Power将向SPPC出售该项目产生的能源,期限为25年。Ar Rass 价值 4.5 亿美元(17 亿沙特里亚尔),是沙特阿拉伯国家可再生能源计划(NREP)迄今为止招标的最大光伏项目之一,ACWA Power已指定为该项目交付总计58.7吉瓦目标的70%。

ACWA Power 将持有该设施 40.1% 的股份,PIF投资组合公司全资拥有的水电控股公司(Badeel)将持有20%的股份,中国国家电力投资公司将持有39.9%的股份。该项目全面投入使用后,将为沙特阿拉伯中部约13.2万户家庭提供电力。


Ar Rass IPP 预计将于2022年第四季度完成财务结算。

曹海斌 摘译自 能源全球


ACWA Power secures Saudi Arabian solar project

ACWA Power, a developer, investor, and operator of power generation, desalinated water, and green hydrogen plants, and the Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC), the principle buyer, have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) to develop a 700 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) independent power plant (IPP) in Ar Rass, Saudi Arabia’s Al Qassim province. The agreement was signed in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia.

Under the terms of the agreement, ACWA Power will sell energy produced by the project to SPPC for a period of 25 years. Valued at US$450 million (SAR 1.7 billion), Ar Rass is one of the largest PV projects that has been tendered as part of Saudi Arabia’s National Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) to date, for which ACWA Power has been earmarked to deliver 70% of the total 58.7 GW target.

ACWA Power will hold a 40.1% stake in the facility, along with 20% by the Water and Electricity Holding Company (Badeel), a wholly owned PIF Portfolio Company, and 39.9% will be owned by the State Power Investment Corporation from China. When fully functional, the project will produce energy to power around 132 000 homes in central Saudi Arabia.

During the signing ceremony, the Minister of Energy announced that the energy sector aims to launch several renewable energy projects to produce approximately 15 000 MW of clean energy between the years 2022 and 2023, with the aim of diversifying the energy mix and achieving its designated targets.

The Ar Rass IPP is expected to reach financial close in 4Q22.

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