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   2022-03-14 互联网综合消息






“我们的液体和天然气输送系统都已达到或接近产能,但我们正在探索可能为美国和欧洲提供更多能源的选择。 这包括使用墨西哥湾沿岸的原油和天然气出口设施,” 威尔金森如是说。 

今年早些时候,加拿大对美国的石油出口达到了创纪录的水平,大量原油运往墨西哥湾沿岸,然后再从那里运往非北美市场。 根据货物跟踪数据,去年加拿大从墨西哥湾沿岸地区的原油日出口量超过了18万桶,而前两年约为7万桶。  

来自油砂的石油日产量也达到创纪录的350万桶,但管道输送能力仍然受到限制。 加拿大大部分石油生产商每天通过安桥公司主线管道系统向美国出口的石油总量约为400万桶,其余的约59万桶/天通过基石管道。 


对于管道运营商来说,情况也不确定。 路透社援引安桥公司的话说,该公司正与渥太华就如何缓解美国的能源危机进行谈判,但没有提供任何细节。 通过铁路促进石油出口也被讨论为一种选择。  

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Canada Considers Ramping Up Oil Exports To U.S.

·     Canada's natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson: we're looking for ways to increase pipeline flows to the U.S.

·     Canada's oil exports to the United States hit a record level earlier this year.

·     Canada's oil export infrastructure is already operating at, or near capacity.

Canada is looking for ways to increase pipeline flows of crude oil to its southern neighbor, Canadian natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson told Reuters in an interview.

"We are looking at whether our pipeline network is fully utilized," Wilkinson said, adding that Ottawa was also looking to raise crude oil exports to Europe "incrementally".

"Both our liquids and natural gas systems are at or near capacity but we're exploring options that may be taken to provide more energy to the U.S. and Europe. That includes using export facilities on the Gulf Coast for crude and natural gas," Wilkinson explained.

Canada's oil exports to the United States hit a record level earlier this year, with a lot of the crude going to the Gulf Coast and, from there, to non-North American markets. In 2021, according to cargo-tracking data, the rate of Canadian crude oil exports from the Gulf Coast reached more than 180,000 bpd, up from some 70,000 bpd in the two previous years.

Oil production from the oil sands is also running at a record 3.5 million bpd, but pipeline constraints remain. Most of the oil Canadian producers export to the U.S.—some 4 million bpd in total—passes through the Enbridge Mainline pipeline system, and the remainder, around 590,000 bpd, flows through the Keystone pipeline.

Boosting pipeline capacity may be on the table, but, according to the Reuters report, not all Canadian oil producers may be willing to spend on production growth at a time when both the U.S. and the Canadian are following an anti-fossil fuel course.

For pipeline operators, the situation is uncertain, too. Reuters quoted Enbridge as saying it was in talks with Ottawa on how to alleviate the energy crisis in the United States but without providing any specifics. Boosting exports by rail has also been discussed as an option.

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