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   2022-03-16 互联网综合消息




通过分析,油气公司能够得到对设备健康状况的可操作的见解,从而能够估计设备的寿命。 报告称,这有助于安排维护和设备更换作业,这将对油气作业产生最小的影响。  

从19世纪早期起,油气行业的维护策略已经走过了一段漫长的道路。 它们已经从一种反应性的方法发展为一种预防性的方法,以确保沿着供应链的连续运作。


GlobalData资深分析师普拉尼克解释说,“在石油和天然气设施中部署的重型机械预计将可靠、高效地运行数年。 为了确保使用寿命,有必要进行维护作业,使设备处于最佳工作状态。”


“由于设备故障导致的计划外停机可能会给油气公司带来巨大的成本损失。 设备故障的后续影响可能是深远的,不仅仅是经济损失。”普拉尼克如是说。  

普拉尼克继续说道:“油气设备有效的预测性维护策略依赖于定期的数据收集。 这些数据被用来确定年久失修的状态,然后用来评估所需的适当的纠正措施。”



李峻 编译自 阿拉伯贸易网


Predictive maintenance crucial for oil and gas operations

Predictive maintenance tools will become more widespread across critical infrastructure in the oil and gas industry over the next decade, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Predictive maintenance tools offer oil and gas companies operational and financial fluidity through the use of technology, stated GlobalData its report, 'Predictive Maintenance in Oil and Gas Industry – Thematic Research.

The predictive maintenance includes condition monitoring technologies that collect, store, and analyze structural and operational data of key equipment in the oil and gas industry. 

Through the analysis, actionable insights are derived concerning the health of the equipment to estimate its lifespan. This helps to schedule maintenance and equipment replacement exercises in a way that will have a minimum impact on oil and gas operations, said the report.

Maintenance strategies in the oil and gas industry have come a long way from their early days in the nineteenth century. They have evolved from a reactive to a preventive approach to ensure continuous operations along the supply chain. 

The economic urgencies and technological support available at that time have shaped these strategies and will continue to do so in the future, stated a top expert.

"Heavy machinery deployed at oil and gas facilities is expected to operate reliably and efficiently for several years. To ensure longevity, it is necessary to conduct maintenance tasks for keeping the equipment in the best working condition," explained Ravindra Puranik, the oil and gas analyst at GlobalData. 

"Timely maintenance also helps prevent expensive repair works and unplanned production outages," he noted.

Unplanned shutdowns due to equipment failure can incur immense cost penalties for oil and gas operators. The after-effects of equipment breaking down can be far-reaching, beyond just economic losses. 

Puranik continues: “Effective predictive maintenance strategies for oil and gas equipment rely on regular data gathering. This data is used to determine the state of disrepair, which is then used to assess the appropriate corrective measures required.”

Even though predictive maintenance as a proof of concept has been around for over two decades, technological advancements have presented a shot in the arm for its growing adoption in the oil and gas industry, said Puranik. 

"The emergence and rapid growth of innovative technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality GlobalDatastrategies in the oil and gas industry," he added.

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