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   2022-03-10 互联网综合消息


这个名为Air Liquide Normand'Hy的制氢项目将采用200兆瓦的电解技术,以显著促进法国和欧洲的低碳氢行业。



液化空气集团董事长兼首席执行官benot Potier表示:“我很高兴法国政府对液化空气集团的承诺。这种支持将使一个重大和创新的大型可再生氢生产项目得以实现。"

“这也将有助于创建一个具有竞争力的欧洲氢能行业,我们希望与我们的合作伙伴西门子能源共同引领这一领域。Air Liquide Normand'Hy处于一个庞大生态系统的核心,其目标是使诺曼底工业盆地脱碳,特别是通过向TotalEnergies等主要工业公司提供低碳氢网络,但也为塞纳河上低碳重型交通的发展做出了贡献。


冯娟 摘译自 世界能源


Air Liquide Gains French State Support for 200MW Normandy Hydrogen Production Project

Normandy, France, will gain a 200MW electrolyser project from Air Liquide in order to boost the European hydrogen sector whilst additionally receiving support from the French State on March 8.

The hydrogen production project, dubbed Air Liquide Normand’Hy, will incorporate 200MW of electrolyser technology in order to significantly contribute to the low-carbon hydrogen sector in both France and Europe.

The hydrogen produced here could be utilised as a fuel for heavy-duty mobility solutions providing an avenue to scale the zero-emission mobility sector.

The electrolyser system will also be supplied by Siemen’s with a partnership revealed early last year.

Benoît Potier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Air Liquide, said, I welcome the French State’s commitment to Air Liquide Normand’Hy. This support will allow the realisation of a major and innovative large-scale renewable hydrogen production project.

“It will also contribute to the creation of a competitive European hydrogen sector, which we want to spearhead with our partner Siemens Energy. Air Liquide Normand’Hy is at the heart of a vast ecosystem whose ambition is to decarbonise the Normandy industrial basin, notably by giving access to a low-carbon hydrogen network to major industrial companies such as TotalEnergies, but also by contributing to the development of low-carbon heavy duty mobility on the Axe Seine.

“The creation of that ecosystem with our partners demonstrates the will and the capacity of industrial companies to bring concrete solutions to the fight against global warming. This is in line with our Sustainable Development strategy, which aims not only at reducing our emissions but also at providing a range of solutions to decarbonise the industry.”

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